Collective Bargaining Agreements In Zambia
Thursday 8th April 2021 16.35The collective agreement must indicate when the agreement will enter into force and the period for which it must remain in force; and methods, procedures and rules for reviewing, amending, replacing or terminating the collective agreement. “collective litigation” in accordance with Section 75; (b) rules on complaints and negotiated procedures; (a) that the employer or employer organization has recognized the union as a representative and bargaining partner of the union-recognized and recognized eligbels in order to govern the relationship between the employer or the employer organization and the union; 70. 1. The contracting parties submit five signed copies of the collective agreement to the member of the Commission within 14 days of signing. (b) interpretation of public procurement conditions, collective agreements and recognition contracts; 2. When a class action is referred to the Court in accordance with paragraph 1 or section 6, section 6, section 76, the Court`s decision is binding on the litigants for the period that the Court may indicate in the decision, subject to the 77th Section. (a) the management of the company and the union representing the employees of that company when collective bargaining is at the level of a company other than an industry; and 102. 1. Any person acting on behalf of a trade union or trade union confederation in connection with the review or promotion of the settlement of a collective dispute may, in or near a place where it is not a building where a person works or is active, in order to peacefully convince an employee or employer involved in the collective dispute.76 (1) In the event of a collective dispute and no party to the dispute uses an essential service, the parties to the dispute refer the dispute to 4. The applicant wants the Tribunal to interpret the importance of the following provisions of the collective agreement (as the provisions for which an interpretation is sought): 98.
An act that is done by a person in view or promoting a collective dispute cannot be implemented on the grounds that it induces another person to break an employment contract, intervenes in the trade, transaction or employment of another person, or has the right to dispose of his capital or work. As she wishes. 4. The conciliator or single committee, appointed under paragraph 1 or paragraph 3, invites the parties to the collective dispute to a meeting within seven days of his appointment and reconciles himself in the litigation. b) order the commissioner to register the collective agreement.
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