Psac Eg Collective Agreement
Sunday 11th April 2021 10.2017.04 The employer appoints a representative at each level of the appeal process and informs any worker about the name or title of the person so designated of the name or title of the person thus designated, as well as the name or title and address of the direct line manager or the competent local official to whom a complaint is to be filed. This information is communicated to workers through employer communications in places where such communications are most likely to be communicated to workers who use the appeal procedure, or in some other way, in accordance with the agreement of the employer and the union. 17.16 If it turns out that the complaint is such that a decision is not taken below a certain level of authority, at one level or at all levels, except at the final stage, it can be eliminated by the agreement of the employer and the worker and, if necessary, the Union. PA Group On July 9, PSAC`s AP negotiating team reached an interim agreement with the Treasury Board of Directors. The negotiating team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement. The ratification kit, which contains the full text of the preliminary agreement, is now available for download. Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. […] Bargaining Partners: Federal Metro Council (Esquimalt) (West) (FGDTLC (W)) Collective Agreement expiry date: January 30, 2023 Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Arbitration Salary (Remuneration) – has the same meaning as the “wage rate” in the worker`s collective agreement. PSAC has reached an interim agreement that provides for a fair increase in wages, no concessions and improved working conditions for the nearly 10,000 members of the TC Group. Notwithstanding Article 22 (employment security) of the collective agreement, the current employment transition policy is a priority in the event of a conflict between this annex to the transition of employment and this section. For indeterminate seasonal and part-time workers, the MST is assessed in the same way as it is unreasonable under the terms of the collective agreement. The provisions of the collective agreements complement the TSM.
53.01 The employer recognizes the usefulness of training leave. At the written request of the worker and with the employer`s consent, a worker may be entitled to unpaid training leave for different periods of up to one (1) renewable year by mutual agreement to go to an accredited educational institution in an area of education where preparation is necessary to better fulfill the current role of the worker or to conduct studies in a field to provide a service that the employer needs. or plans to make them available. Copies of current collective agreements for USJE members can be viewed by clicking on the specific bargaining group below. In order to improve security, payments under paragraphs 62.04 to 62.07 or similar provisions in other collective agreements are considered a termination benefit for the management of this clause. We are nearing the end of the voting period to ratify the new interim agreements for the PA, TC, EB, SV and PSAC-UTE groups. The PSAC held ratification votes for pa, TC, EB and PSAC-UTE members between August 24 and September 29, and from August 31 to October 5 for SV members in each psac region.
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