
Thursday 27th February 2003

That took longer than I'd expected. Eleven days without a real update. Long story.
I guess I'm not late for anything....
It begins shortly after the last What's New. When, having finished the last What's New, I went back to working on finishing a few other things. One of which got almost finished over the next couple of days until it turned out that it was never going to fit anything resembling a screenmode of 800*600. Which doesn't sound that bad to normal people. But the sort of people we're expecting to see this thing aren't normal. They're potentially even on 640*480s. Hard though that might be to believe in the twenty-first century.
So that was a slight setback. I'm still trying to work out how to write a site with images spanning 480 pixels, plus content, plus a limitation of 640 to 800 pixels in actual screenwidth. It's not precisely easy to do.
Shortly after beginning to work on that, of course, the mushrooms from the last What's New reared their myxomycetous heads and hit me with fungal warfare. More downtime. Which could be part of the reason I didn't notice that the site wasn't going to fit into 800 pixels until it was almost done. Fun.
Two days later, I was over the headache caused directly by the mushrooms. But--possibly by conicidence--I managed to trip across something resembling influenza. Which means more headaches, but also difficulty breathing, constant freezing, and a four-day temperature hovering at 104.3. Oddly, I wasn't in the mood to do anything. Not even write a What's New to talk about how little I wanted to write a What's New. Go figure.
Which brings us to Tuesday, on which I finally felt okay again. But the server stopped feeling okay. I tried to upload a few things [including an update to], and I hit a few Error550s telling me the new stuff couldn't be created and the old stuff couldn't be replaced. Which happened to follow a blackout which had taken the whole server offline for three or four hours.
And to think: some people are actually technophobic....
So here we are. Thursday. And everything's back things usually are around here. The regulars will know what I mean by that.
Here's the news.
I got tired of a few things. Like websites. And stuff. And I started writing a new book.
I've got a pretty good idea what it's going to be about. Pretty much one of those novels you hear so much about. Not an editorial satire like NotS; not a small piece in a massive saga like 97D; just a book.
Ordinarily, when I write a book, I codeword it and keep its title a secret until it's published. Mostly because I have this paranoid idea that someone's going to hear about the title, and, just to upset me, produce a different book in less time and give it the same title. This time I'm not that concerned. Mostly because I got smart and already bought the URL reflecting the title. So: steal away; there can be only one DotCom.
The new book is called Slackerhood. That will make more sense once you read it, I suppose. Until then, maybe you can guess.
As for the book itself, there's not a lot to tell yet. Except that its basic plotline is a sort of reunion, which is sort of based on a true story. Or, it would be if the true story had worked out well enough to bother writing about. Something like Alternative Historical Fiction regarding a small group of people no one ever heard of.
Which, of course, is not entirely true, given what a few of the people involved in the semisituation on which the story is slightly based eventually went on to do. To give you a hint there: one of the, ah, characters in this fictional story is an anticonformist who, over the course of time, inadvertantly becomes the singer of a top forty band; the character's name is not Corey Taylor.
That stated: any resemblance to actual persons is purely not something I'll admit to since I'm in no mood to get sued.
Anyway. The ground is only just broken on this thing. I'm somewhere in Chapter Two at the moment, since I wrote the first word a couple of hours ago. If I give this the attention I give most things these days, it might get done sometime this year. Otherwise, it could be more or less.
We'll see what happens with it. Right now, it just seems like something I should write. No reason, except that I can't quite avoid it anymore.
Ah nuts. Then I hopped over to see what I might have for a Spam of the Day, and I got a What's New from Hunter in my inbox. Lemee look this over and see whether it would interest you....
Fuck it. I'm too tired to look for a Spam of the Day anyway. Here's Hunter's What's New instead. If it sucks, then call it a Spam of the Day >:)
More later....

Let's Play a Game by Hunter

It's a fun game, I swear. Funnest ever....
Since the general media see fit to dredge up Columbine every week and a half, I think we should all get involved, by way of this not-so-new, but oddly fun game.

Dramatic re-enactment of The Tragic Death of NadaMartyr Cassie Bernall

I don't know what to call it, Six Degrees of Columbine doesn't quite work, but we might as well run with it until someone else comes up with a better name.
Now, we all know that Columbine was the most terribly, horribly depressing tragic catastrophic school shooting in the history of history and all things known and unknown....
What most of us don't know is that every lesser event can actually be connected to Columbine.
Let me demonstrate....
First, we need an accident: any of the recent BlackHawk helicopter crashes.

See how easy that is?
Let's do a few more....


I think I'm done for now. Feel free to play on the board....

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