
Saturday 8th March 2003

And...I took a couple of days off again.
Well, from, anyway. In other areas...things have been busy. New projects; old projects long assumed to be abandoned; old projects not understood to be abandoned; stuff.
Which hints after something a lot of people are currently wondering about.
In a perfect world, what I've explained about this mess to date would have eliminated all further questions. Unfortunately, I live near a Walgreens. I'm reportedly near perfect; just across a street or two.
So I'm tempted to further explain a few things. I'm also concerned that further explanations would only lead to further questions and misunderstandings. So I won't bother. If anything, I'll just skip to the moral of the story: never assume that 'Gremlin said X' has anything to do with reality; if you want to know something, ask me about it; don't assume that everything you hear is true, and then counterattack the strawman. It distrubs me that there are grownups out there who haven't figured this tactic out yet.
So. Let's move on....
New projects. A couple of those have little or nothing to do with me, except that I'm the guy coding them. So I won't go into those here.
Things which actually have something to do with me move along a bit more slowly, of course. But one thing I've been putting off for too long is Also known as I personally prefer, since it's not intended merely as an antichristian site. But the odds against people spelling correctly persuaded me to pick up as well. And I can justify it anyway: apparently, that whole IN GOD WE TRUST slogan loosely translates to IN QUETZALCOATL WE SACRIFICE just as easily as it does into IN THE NAME OF CHRIST WE HATE OUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND SELVES. Deities are deities: one myth is as good as another.
So. I'm officially developing now. Just...mostly behind the scenes. Also, it's not just me doing this. I'm getting a lot of neat suggestions for the forthcoming site, just based on everyone's idea of what the site might be about, based on the name. Which is good. In general: the less you know about something, the more creative you are with suggestions. Keep sending them in.
One such suggestion was actually more of a request. And it turned out to be a pretty funny one. It's about half finished right now. I'm hoping to get it done by Monday. Check back then. And be prepared to download a file exceding six megabytes. I'll try to keep it under ten. If it works out as intended, it should be worth the download time.
For those on cablemodems or better: it currently downloads a little faster than realtime. Don't worry about it.
Older projects. Hunter, the crazychick who is about to hurt me for leaving it alone this long, has actually typed out the old News of the Stoopids into hypertext for me. They've been flashbased for a year or two. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But there were a couple of compatability problems with Windoze alternatives, so I went back to hypertext for the newer ones.
And, of course, the newest NotS are all currently lurking in the older What's News. Mostly because I haven't had a lot of free time to move them over to the correct site. Which is something else I'll get to sometime this month.
Offline stuff. I personally haven't tried this thing out yet, but I got the GameCube GameShark last night. Kinda. According to the big sign at BestBuy, the GameShark is now or other. I want to call it the ActionReplay. But that sounds like a really dumb name for a GameShark. Not that GameShark was ever the best word for a hardware patch designed to fuck with the hexadecimals in a videogame either. Oh well.
Anyway: Hunter tried the thing out on Mario Moonshine [I know what it's really called; but...c'mon: Mario's fucking tranqued; you can tell] and it reportedly works pretty well. So I'll have to go see what Resident Evil Zero looks like to an immortal with infinite bullets once I'm done writing this....
Okay. The suspense is killing me. And it should be killing zombies. Again.
More Later....

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