Radio Free Duhmerica

Tuesday 29th July 2003

This is impressive. I'm averaging less than a What's New per week. Neat.
Mostly, I've just been busy. And not really with much worth mentioning. Until now.
There are a couple of older things I never got round to announcing. There's some new merch at, including Damnation Facts. Might be worth looking at.
And there are a couple of general updates here and there. The National Prevaricator is making a comeback again; the, uh, full story is documented there.
Oh, and this is good. Greg Culver, at 14509 Falling Leaf Court; Darnestown, Maryland 20878 [301-869-7080] is the latest moron to accuse me of having a soul. I'm still awaiting the ten thousand bucks he owes me [see the disclaimer for more on that]; if I dont have it by the end of July, I'll drop him into Accounts Receivable and start the monthly interest on the fee.
In other news, I've made some progress with Deadache. I've been taking apart a few videogames to see how things are done. It's actually kinda disappointing. With a few exceptions, most modern games are in no way 3D; it's just an optical illusion. Which doesn't help me much for making a cartoon look like a game in LightWave. Although it does give me an idea how little detail things really need.
So I'm back to setbuilding again. It still takes time, but progress is being made.
Here's an example, which might take a minute to load....
Just to be weird....
Meanwhile, Greenback's in town. That's a longish story. And it's best told through the clever use of satire:

Also just to be weird.
And what's weirder than that? Radio Free Duhmerica is back at last. Here's yesterday's show--a day late:
The working theory is that we're going to get back to doing this thing. We kinda had to quit last year when Greenback made the mistake of joining the navy. Now that he's back, we're able to do it again. Along with some new people you'll meet when you listen to it.
Which pretty well means that I've got to restructure a few things to allow for the radio show again. Probably after a nap.
More later....


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