Kitty Kitty
Monday 13th October 2003
Slight update on the PS3 thing. Somewhere in looking through various rumours about the new PlayStation, I never quite caught that the new machine isn't meant to be the PS3 at all. Instead, it's just a new version of the PS2, like the PSOne was a new version of the PSX. So, call the new things whatever you like, I guess. PS2.1, PSTwo, whatever. It's the same chipset; it doesn't do anything to allow for bigger and better games; it just adds a bunch of stuff to the PS2, like [potentially] a harddrive and a tunercard. Not a big deal.
Technically speaking, the cat belongs to Hunter. In some way or other. After spending four hours at this shelter getting everything done to acquire the cat [including dealing with a contract which had never been read by a real lawyer], we went ahead and officially put the cat in her name.
Of course, we're going to have to name the cat sometime this week. We've got to take her to the vet on Wednesday for a couple of things. And vets always want to catalogue animals with their names and your surname. I don't know why. I rarely worry about homosapiens' names, let alone other organisms'.
Anyway. In other news: I got a cat.
We haven't named her yet. Apparently, she was part of a nomadic litter found at Broadway and Bellvue who got dumped at the Denver Dumb Friends' League in August; she's about four months old, and weighs four pounds already.It should probably be mentioned that, when the DDFL were founded in 1910, dumb meant incapable of speech, and not...well, I guess it still means that, even though ebonics are now in style....
We got Cope the Varanus indicus through similar means--a shelter devoted to reptiles; I think she's actually in my name. There shouldn't be a major custody battle if Hunter ever leaves though. Cope doesn't care that the cat exists; the cat didn't seem to understand that Cope was alive. The cat also didn't really get that Twitch the Iguana was alive, either; although Twitch regarded the cat about the way she regards any animal which gets within a metre of her: twisting her head away and getting ready to run off at the speed of migratory sponges. Twitch isn't the most hyper iguana I've ever seen.
At some point, I'll see about getting all three of these kids in front of the DigiCam at once. Which might be difficult, since I'd have to hold Cope the whole time, and the cat has a lesser attentionspan than any given christian. But I'll see what I can do.
The cat. Sitting in my lap. And yes: I'm wearing leather jeans. That's how you know I'm a badguy....For that, we'll probably have to come up with a name which works well with Hunter's surname. Since Hunter's got a nice, long, German surname, that should prove to be totally impossible.
For the moment, I just call the cat Goof a lot. Which confuses Twitch, Cope, and Hunter, since I call them Goof too. It's just what I call things. Don't ask.
More later....