All season radio

Sunday 19th October 2003

It always happens at about this time of the year.
The radio show.
In 2001, we had to let the show drop for a bit, mostly because I moved, and I didn't have a useful ISP for a while. Then I moved again, and...still didn't have a useful ISP; but, those issues aside, I was able to upload large things again.
Then, about a year ago, Greenback joined the navy, and the show faltered again.
This year, the ISP is working as well as I can expect it to, and the people involved in the show are less likely to move out of town. So what could go wrong?
The technology.
In ninety minutes, the show is supposed to come on. As it is, the same show has been running for two weeks in a row now, because the show we recorded to replace it last week didn't actually work. We had this idea that we could record the show in a restaurant. And that worked pretty well, actually. The background noise was my initial concern; but that turned out to be a minimal issue. In fact, after a couple of minutes, everyone shut up and bacame a studio audience. Lovely.
However: the little recorder thingy I got turned out to be useless. You know those digital recorders you can get for about a hundred and fifty bucks? Don't. Yes, they'll hold six hours of stuff in theory; in practise, they'll hold three hours of stuff, under the best possible conditions. Which don't occur in restaurants. The whole thing was lost.
So, having nothing much to replace the show with, I just let it keep running for an extra week.
Then, on Friday night, we went back to the restaurant with my laptop and a microphone. And that worked fine. I've got the show right here.
The problem now is that I've got just over an hour to get the show onto the server so it'll actually be where people expect to find it. And the server's not working.
So. The show exists; it's ready to upload; it's mirrored at my site [although, being an .mp3, it won't stream from there, requiring you to download thirty megabytes before you can hear any of it]; and I'm waiting to hear back from the AN sysop about the problem with the FTP.
So I'm not sure what's going on with that yet. If it gets figured out in time, the new show should be running from at eleven [13.00Eastern; 10.00Pacific]. If not...I'll get it uploaded as soon as I can get into the server, and let it run next Sunday. Of course, the show actually plays daily throughout the week, at various times; but those are officially considered reruns. Check the Radio Schedule over at if you get to this after eleven DenverTime today.
In a related story, I spent a couple of hours writing an advert for the show yesterday. If you look in the upper right, above the signup field for the Mailinglist of Despair, you've got a forty percent probability of seeing one of the two. The one with HACKERS IN COMPUTER SOFTWARE CHARGED DRUNK IMBECILE HUGE FEE IN THE FINER THEOREM. is a true anagramme; the other one...I kinda ran out of letters, so I turned it into a GothPoet spoof. Which, oddly, kinda works.
I'll throw together a How to Place an Advert on Your Site thingy later. People have asked about it, but, the way it's coded, no one ever finds the sourcecode allowing for it.
So. What else is new....
Oh yeah. The post office. They still suck; that's not news. What is news is that I finally got my damned mail. And what should appear [and appear to have been the huge thing preventing the door from opening] but a box of assorted merch we ordered about a week ago. Mostly as prototypes; although Hunter's pretty happy about wearing this stuff, too. In fact...hang on a sec....
Here's a snap of the stickers, anyway....

I went ahead and linked the image, if you wanna see a larger version of it.
And yes, I know that my desk is a mess. I've got a system. Albeit one which doesn't involve emptying the ashtray very often....
Hunter reportedly intends to remind me to get shots of her wearing the other stuff. Probably sometime this week.
Anyway: all this stuff exists somewhere within; although it requires some excavation. I really need to reorganise some things there.
I am in the middle of setting up the Black Text Required stuff by product, as well as by theme, based on everything from popular request to death threats. I'll get it done eventually.
I think that's about it for today. Just in time to not get the show uploaded, it seems....
More later....

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