Tuesday 5th August 2003
This was fun....
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:42:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
crystalstar707 : if u love god
crystalstar707 : press
crystalstar707 : 7
WARNING: never do this; it closes the active window >:) |
gremlin_net : if u love god press Alt-F4
emptier_mbs : sara, it was justified i think
harlinoff123 : are they married or something?
emptier_mbs : Am I wrong?
horselessryder : no one ever came to believe in God through knowledge... that would be like trying to pour the ocean into a bucket...
crystalstar707 : gods perfect number
bastinblack : kills all of yahoo's men, rapes its women, and enslaves its children
sara2smiles : empty, she told a story and that was a rational response?
emptier_mbs : She was giving proof of god, by talking about someone's social experiance.
horselessryder : i would not claim im so smart
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:43:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : hey sauce i got a question for you
sara2smiles : did I miss her hurling insults at him?
emptier_mbs : i do not think krischen was rational
morgion777 : even the concept of god is dead. it's played out, and humans need to get over it. time to grow up.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: actually, it would be like trying to pour Oobleck into a bucket.
emptier_mbs : no, she was just preaching
bastinblack : oo, what an interesting thought. Trying to pour the ocean in to a bucket. That'd be one frustrated little kid
harlinoff123 : ok just a sec bud, i gotta pay the rent, be back in 5
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : ...why do I know the word Oobleck....
horselessryder : for you gremlin
sara2smiles : empty, an example of HER faith is not preaching
horselessryder : for you
gremlin_net : And how did brainlessryder get ungonged?
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: I don't know. I'm wondering too....
sara2smiles : get your preaching definition straight
jesifyoulovehonkus : doesn't understand how the Christian God can be explained in a rational way?
emptier_mbs : that is an interesting way of putting it
emptier_mbs : i really still think she was preaching
m1z_direction : sorry, but the ignore award goes to: krischensheist
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:44:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
It's an anagram for mingler, you know.... |
horselessryder : ahhh its a shame i cant twist the word gremlin....
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: "I have to pee."
the_ambassador_in_bonds : laughs his ass off at
sara2smiles : empty, define preaching so I know how you are coming up with that
hunter_the_crazychick : *big, innocent eyes*
crystalstar707 : she is not preaching she is telling the truth
the_ambassador_in_bonds : (lines 1 to 1)
The Republic of Rickdom is a tiny, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million are effectively ruled by a group of massive corporations, who run for political office and provide their well-off citizens with world-class goods and services. Their poorer citizens, however, are mostly starving to death while being urged to go out and get real jobs. The populace has reasonably extensive civil rig
horselessryder : or would i want too...
bastinblack : i think i have someone on ignore, im hearing them through other people. Who's bitching?
jesifyoulovehonkus : the Christian God doesn't seem too rational
crystalstar707 : big heads
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : Hunter: "Yamete."
crystalstar707 : lalalalalala
emptier_mbs : emotionalist monolaug
horselessryder : sauce hound you there brotha?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : urges poor citizens to get a real fucking job.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: it wouldn't help you if you could.
bastinblack : notes that she has a slightly larger than average head
hunter_the_crazychick : looks at Joshie.
indondasani : ambassador; I thought the game was quite fun.
emptier_mbs : that is the first time i defined it though
indondasani : for the time I played it.
emptier_mbs : so it may be a little screwy
morgion777 : god is for children, like santa claus, or the tooth fairy.
horselessryder : yep
m1z_direction : rick? that realm wouldn't also pass itself off as CA??? ;) lol
indondasani : 's state almost undoubtedly no longer exists, though.
indondasani : poor garanamians.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:45:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
gremlin_net : morgion777: I've never believed in any of those.
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : hunter_the_crazychick, it's a phrase you'll hear repeated in every miserable hentai ever, that or "miyan."
the_ambassador_in_bonds : (lines 1 to 1)
There is no government in the normal sense the word; however, a small group of community-minded, pro-business individuals juggles the competing demands of Commerce, Law & Order, and Defence. Income tax is unheard of. A healthy private sector is led by the Door-to-door Insurance Sales industry, followed by Beef-Based Agriculture and Uranium Mining
horselessryder : i need alot of help dont i
the_ambassador_in_bonds : "Income tax is unheard of."
sara2smiles : examples of one's own faith experience is evidence to some and not others
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Beautiful :D
horselessryder : no one ever came to believe in God through knowledge...
indondasani : josh; what do they mean?
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: I've probably heard it, I just don't really recognise it written.
sara2smiles : KRISCHEN, must we all hear him thru your speakers
This, by the way, is true. A year or two ago, Persinger proved that theistic rationalisations for common ontological events are, in fact, the result of temporal lobe epilepsy--a 'soft schizophrenia' which prevents the subject from viewing things rationally; the shorthand is that theism in general is now regarded as a schizophrenic symptom. Let's cure this as soon as possible.... |
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: yeah. But it's available. Since christianity was declared a mental illness, we've developed a cure.
emptier_mbs : lol robert
sara2smiles : ignore him then
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : indondasani, I don't remember exact translation. But, pretty much, it's the biggest "NO!!!" a person can say.
horselessryder : atheists say "oh my gosh" instead of "oh my God" hehehehhe
harlinoff123 : horselessryder, looking for check book, be right there
morgion777 : gremlin...lobotomy?
sara2smiles : or turn down your speakers
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:46:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: ah-hah.
gremlin_net : morgion777: shock treatment.
hunter_the_crazychick : nods.
horselessryder : sorry just noticed
indondasani : kitty; heh. Hell, what hentai _isn't_ that in?
morgion777 : :D
sara2smiles : empty, ranting is not preaching of a sorts?
hunter_the_crazychick : Yeah. I've heard it.
indondasani : blarg!
indondasani : josh!
sara2smiles : that worked
indondasani : has kitty on the brain, perhaps.
horselessryder : and whats that gremlin?
horselessryder : modernism?
horselessryder : :))
indondasani : either that, or I just need sleep.
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : smiles sweetly.
gremlin_net : morgion777: theism is the result of a fuckup in the temporal lobe. It can be repaired electrically.
horselessryder : aight
fear_n0_evil : *** krischen0000 will be ignored.*** robert_vbnet will be ignored............. Atheist vs. Christian temper tantrum
indondasani : gremlin; ah, so you electrocute theists.
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : licks lips and waggles her double-d breasts around.
robert_vbnet : krischen0000 will be ignored
jesifyoulovehonkus : wonders why,if there is a God, why evidence is demanded in terms of a fact of the reality which this God sustains
indondasani : imagines that would cure someone of their theism.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:47:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
gremlin_net : morgion777: the belief in deities is a fairly simple form of schizoprenia. It's easy to cure, really.
bastinblack : ahh, krischen. thats who im not hearing because she's on ignore.
morgion777 : gremlin...can't wait for the treatment to be administered in this room.
horselessryder : no one ever came to believe in God through knowledge...
indondasani : josh; damn, don't confuse me any more than I already am!
sara2smiles : preaching is a one way speech
jesifyoulovehonkus : or that he must be an observed fact of the reality which he sustains
horselessryder : no one ever came to believe in God through knowledge... that would be like trying to pour the ocean into a bucket...
harlinoff123 : search for God in your heart
sara2smiles : but examples of one's faith experience is not
snake_blisken_86 : hey guys.
horselessryder : hey sauce i have a question for ya
bastinblack : harlin- all i found was an old shoe. Is god an old shoe?
harlinoff123 : ok shoot ryder
morgion777 : krischen...ready for your treatment?
fear_n0_evil : I asked a Jew who he was going to vote for as president............He said, "Well, the last time Jews listened to a bush, they wandered in the desert for 40 years."
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:48:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
You can guess which method I'm voting for.... |
gremlin_net : morgion777: it's on hold for the moment. We know that christianity can be cured by shock treatments, but some of us are still in favour of cleansing by fire. It seems appropriate.
horselessryder : if you call yourself a christian would you say its by your own choice ?
harlinoff123 : black you found an old showe in your heart??
sara2smiles : robert's ranting is "lengthy"
the_chainsawpsycho : "I want to burn it all."
harlinoff123 : ryder, yes. christian is a choice in my opp.
bastinblack : harlin- yeah, i think someone left it their by accident
bastinblack : *there
bastinblack : yikes
emptier_mbs : i think there is a difference though, i am thinking it is emotionalist and irrational
snake_blisken_86 : There is no god. I hope Im not alone in this room with this belief?
emptier_mbs : hmmm....
bastinblack : snake- not by a long shot
morgion777 :, you're not.
This always bugs me. X is factual; Y is not factual; these aren't opinions. X is better than Y is an opinion. And, as an opinion, it's relatively worthless. The fact that deities are mythical animals isn't an opinion; it's a fact by default. |
horselessryder : snake thats just your opinion man
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:49:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
emptier_mbs : it doesn't have to be about religion though
sara2smiles : empty, I am hearing irrational on BOTH sides currently
emptier_mbs : jesus
the_ambassador_in_bonds : yawns.
emptier_mbs : I think that robert is justified though.
gremlin_net : snake_blisken_86: you're alone in misidentifying it as a belief. But most of us are aware that deities are mythical animals.
bastinblack : horseless- see how he said "Im not alone with this belief?"
horselessryder : sauce were you born a christian?
emptier_mbs : but, you might be able to say that
snake_blisken_86 : I can back my opinion up to show some truth if need be.
horselessryder : like born into it
harlinoff123 : noone is born a christian in my opp.
harlinoff123 : kinda
harlinoff123 : i was born in J.W's
morgion777 : christianity is taught.
bastinblack : one can be born in to a chrisitan family
gremlin_net : No one has ever been shown to have been born theistic, to date.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:50:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
gremlin_net : Theism is a learned defence.
horselessryder : what ever
horselessryder : bast i dunnno what they want to call it , disbelief, belief , denial, i dunno
the_chainsawpsycho : Snake Plissken was a bad m0f0.
horselessryder : its either you believe or you disbelieve
krischen0000 : emptier....could you be emptier
bastinblack : horseless- why? why is it an either-or?
morgion777 : horseless..."intelligence"? "self-awareness"?
snake_blisken_86 : In my opinion, the bible ( god jesus the devil ect.) is one of the if not the oldest and still strongest form of law. thats all there is to it.
sara2smiles : spartan, a debate chatroom is open to speakers that will not say things you always agree with or find evidence in
horselessryder : atheism is a learned denial
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:51:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
jesifyoulovehonkus : no one would demand the proof of what architect designed a certain house by saying he must actually become a wall or a staricase or a fireplace in that house, and in the same way the same thing is demanded for proving God...that he must be an observed fact of the reality that he sustains...if he exists
gremlin_net : Atheism requires no beliefs. I haven't got any.
harlinoff123 : ryder i agree, but you must know what not to believe and disbelieve to, you must become educated..
spartanxx2003 : Yes Sara, but not unchallenged
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that everyone has beliefs.
indondasani : doesn't see what the value is to claiming theism is inborn is.
gremlin_net : Atheism doesn't require denial. You can be atheistic without hearing that deities might exist.
bastinblack : tannar- but they didnt have to have it at birth
indondasani : tannar; unless they _invented_ theism.
horselessryder : you must not even believe in yourself for that matter huh
snake_blisken_86 : Jesi we arent asking you to become god
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Beliefs based on varying degrees of supporting evidence, but beliefs nonetheless.
sara2smiles : spartan, ranting and yelling over the speaker is not a challenge its preaching louder
jesifyoulovehonkus : i didn't say you were
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Having a belief =/= having blind faith.
indondasani : people aren't _born_ knowing multiplication. Someone had to invent it.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:52:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: nope. I don't believe in myself. I accept that I exist, based on the evidence.
jesifyoulovehonkus : indondasani...that is not true
sara2smiles : empty, ranting and yelling over the speaker is not a challenge its preaching louder
snake_blisken_86 : if an architect is building you a house wouldent it be nice to see his floor plans?
morgion777 : <----will be god, if you ask nicely.
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : indondasani, I think addition is intuitive. *shrugs.*
We're not sure why it's still illegal to kill people who are dumb enough to misunderstand a simple concept like this, and then assume that their misunderstanding could lead to a viable insult. |
horselessryder : well thats a shame
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: People aren't born knowing what a Gnu is. that doesn't mean the gnu is an invented animal.
horselessryder : dont worry be happy right?
horselessryder : B-)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that there's not much of a case for that.
jesifyoulovehonkus : someone on a island far away from civilization would come to the same multiplication as we would
indondasani : ambassador; true. But "Gnu" is an invented name.
horselessryder : what ever tickles your fancy?
harlinoff123 : well, for those of you who think horseless ryder don't know what he's taling about, i can vouch that he is quit learned in the topic, and he has done his reserch
bastinblack : harlin- is he quit learned? impressive.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:53:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: That's semantic. Taking the analogy to theism, that the name of god is invented, does not mean that the god is invented.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Again, there's no case from that.
knight_of_baawa : You say that using improper grammar and spelling, harlin.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : It's like saying that because I don't know shit about evolution, evolution is invented.
krischen0000 : everyone in this room....listen to these guys and buy into the "wisdom of the world"
theophrenie : is away (Away)
jesifyoulovehonkus : indondasani made a flawed statement
horselessryder : i dont know anything sauce i just have faith and i can only believe because of the things ive seen and experienced in my life
indondasani : ambassador; not much of a case for what?
morgion777 : ambassador...was zeus invented? odin? pan?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : morgion777: You've missed my point.
harlinoff123 : no ryder, you're just madest lol
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:54:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : just as every other christian who asks God for help and receives
the_ambassador_in_bonds : morgion777: I'm not questioning the conclusion, I'm questioning the analogy to multiplication.
harlinoff123 : madest=modest
bastinblack : has no idea what crazy lady just said, probably should be thankful for that
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: Not much case in declaring theism as an invention using your analogy to multiplication.
morgion777 : ambassador...ooops.
sara2smiles : who is Robert? and why can't he get numbers so he can rant without going thru others?
indondasani : jesi; please demonstrate an aboriginal civilization which practiced multiplication before exposure to mainstream western (or eastern) society?
horselessryder : atheists might say a miracle is a "coincidence" but try telling that or convinsing a christian of that
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:55:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
indondasani : ...of course, even then, the possibility that it was simply an independent discovery can not be ruled out.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: I'd venture that many did. If I have two logs for my fire, and need a bigger fire, I'll need twice as many.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: it's not easy; christians are close-minded.
snake_blisken_86 : I dont think you can ryder.
krischen0000 : you consider yourself a wise person?
horselessryder : gremlin nice generalization
jesifyoulovehonkus : are you kidding you think that multiplication came from a dominant western or eastern society
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I was agreeing with you, Idiot.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I'd venture that it served practical purpose rather than theoretical study, but that it was used nonetheless.
jesifyoulovehonkus : dude you are killing me
lissianthus : aha, this is real
jesifyoulovehonkus : anyone can lay 4 sticks down
krischen0000 : he is very confused
jesifyoulovehonkus : and then 3
the_ambassador_in_bonds : lissianthus_the_porn_bot.
krischen0000 : it's simple
jesifyoulovehonkus : and come to 7
One of those rare occasions where brainlessryder accidentally says something patently true. |
horselessryder : hey gremlin look out! there are christians everywhere! :-P this is america.... you are surrounded by idiots!
brngreenback : ambassador, I think he's just claiming that theism isn't inborn
gremlin_net : Wanna see brainlessryder hit a fatal logicloop?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:56:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
indondasani : ambassador; I mean in numeric terms.
lissianthus : cal the big damn fibber
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: your deity helps all christians?
jesifyoulovehonkus : and then could put 4 groups of 3 sticks down and come up with 12 sticks without being taught that
sara2smiles : the ranter has numbers?
I'm viewing this as permission to mirror brainlessryder's suction here. |
horselessryder : gremlin im here to dance for your amusement
the_ambassador_in_bonds : incoming PM declined (spam) lissianthus: Hey the_ambassador_in_bonds, come check out my naughty webcam
morgion777 : 25 what?
indondasani : people can get more wood for a bigger fire, no problem.
lissianthus : shiiiiit
the_ambassador_in_bonds : As always, a working link.
lissianthus : yah yah
krischen0000 : still failed to answer my question
fear_n0_evil : Anselm
lissianthus : get some new material
lissianthus : and hurry
Remember that this happened.... |
horselessryder : gremlin for those who ask they shall recieve
objectivist2000 : listerine
emptier_mbs : krischen, im too scared to
lissianthus : wow, hi robert
emptier_mbs : but what is it?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: I mean numerically as well. I'd venture that they were aware that four logs was twice as many--that they had two logs for every log they had before.
lissianthus : writes this down
horselessryder : does that answer your question?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:57:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
sara2smiles : sigh..this my cue to surf
sara2smiles : bbl all
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: They just used it for practical purposes rather than the study of mathematics.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: when two football teams pray to the same deity before the game, asking to win, why does one lose?
indondasani : jesi: adding 4 3 times isn't multiplication. it's addition.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I'm speculating, of course, but it seems a reasonable conclusion.
krischen0000 : you consider yourself wise?
indondasani : which happens to do the same function as multiplication.
emptier_mbs : oh, i dont know
emptier_mbs : now, why do you ask?
fear_n0_evil : Cosmological
goddess_goldberry : lol grem
So much for asking leading to receiving.... |
horselessryder : because they are playing for fame and money and i bet God could care less... do you understand?
emptier_mbs : is there a greater point to this?
snake_blisken_86 : How can a poor single mother living on the streets with her 8 children still have faith in such?
the_ambassador_in_bonds :
goddess_goldberry : horse.. but the winning team always thanks god
the_ambassador_in_bonds : New material :D
lissianthus : cripes
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: yeah; I understand; you lied about asking and receiving.
stevenb337 : lol
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Working link again :|
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:58:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
fear_n0_evil : No
brngreenback : ambassador, that doesn't mean they'll know that ten groups of ten logs is a hundred logs, without counting, at age four.
lissianthus : well havent you just been busy
stevenb337 : apparently that mother wasn't good at anything other than having 8 children
morgion777 : god cannot be proven/disproven...neither can leprechauns. neither can fairies.
horselessryder : not really
lissianthus : theeerrrrrres zed
fear_n0_evil : E=mc2....... is not God
goddess_goldberry : steven.. ugh.. nevermind
m1z_direction : great
goddess_goldberry : ear.. really?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: Which has nothing to do with what was being discussed. The question was whether primitive aboriginal cultures used multiplication.
goddess_goldberry : fear
stevenb337 : she sure as hell wasn't any good at using contraception
zedechiah_the_messiah : is only a pigment of your infatuation
fear_n0_evil : Goddess
lissianthus : oh
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zed_Ha_Mamzer.
lissianthus : so zed's a pig?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:59:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : didnt know that
brngreenback : ambassador, the discussion, as posited, was whether multiplication was inborn. I read the context.
goddess_goldberry : steven.. prob. was against her religion
goddess_goldberry : after all, god will provide
zedechiah_the_messiah : pipedown Jamres_in_bonds
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: you didn't say 'ask, and *maybe* you'll receive'; you didn't say 'ask, and if a deity likes the idea, you'll receive'; you lied: 'ask, and you shall receive'. Backpedding muttfucker....
zedechiah_the_messiah : and Jambres
goddess_goldberry : and to use birth control is to prevent a child of god
stevenb337 : what religions teach that any kind of contraception is wrong?
bastinblack : hahahahaha objectivist =D>
goddess_goldberry : cathlics
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: Clearly you didn't read it all. indondasani questioned whether or not any primitive culture who hadn't been exposed to western or eastern culture used multiplication.
goddess_goldberry : lol tannar hehe
stevenb337 : even catholics believe in NFP
fear_n0_evil : Create God is your own image?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: And that is the point I challenged.
What's this? The moron is learning from its mistakes? How unprecedented.... |
horselessryder : gremlin like i guess i should be more carefull to answer your questions in long paragraphs rather than short answers that you use for you own benefit... i should try to not leave any room for your "twists" ok?
fear_n0_evil : Create a Holy God
brngreenback : ambassador, and the point remains. There's no saying that primitive aboriginal cultures used multiplication, the abstract concept, at all.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : =/= Jambres :|
morgion777 : "god" is always in humanity's own image.
goddess_goldberry : steven.. you mean that thing that works about 70% of the time?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:00:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
brngreenback : Aside from being a gross generalization
lissianthus : hey radar, hef
snake_blisken_86 : :D *cheers* Im all for creating a new god
brngreenback : And, as far as context, lemme grab some quotes. *sigh*
the_ambassador_in_bonds : = Melchizedek himself :|
stevenb337 : what are you talking about tannar?
The time is now 10pm; how long could it take for brainlessryder to come up with a simple, untwistable offer? Read on for the answer.... |
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay. State your bullshit assertion again, locking out any possible 'twists'.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: I'll save you the trouble, I've got one right here.
zedechiah_the_messiah : more like Melkerisha
brngreenback : indondasani * doesn't see what the value is to claiming theism is inborn is.
bastinblack : once used Frank in place of Jesus in someone's arguments, kind of like creating my own god, i suppose
horselessryder : gremlin how about an essay on what prayers God listens to?
horselessryder : how bout it?
lissianthus : is mmmmm posting? i dont see any of his text if he is
brngreenback : indondasani : tannar; unless they _invented_ theism.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: calls for unfounded assertions. Just explain the rules.
stevenb337 : catholics teach no sex before marriage, and after marraige to use natural family planning
goddess_goldberry : horse.. how do you know what god listens to and what he doesn't?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:01:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : the rules:-P
brngreenback : the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: People aren't born knowing what a Gnu is. that doesn't mean the gnu is an invented animal.
hunter_the_crazychick : is away (Away)
goddess_goldberry : steven..natural family planning doesn't work for all people
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: Indeed.
stevenb337 : they teach that the primary purpose for intercourse is conception
fear_n0_evil : Ah.... maybe an objective God?
goddess_goldberry : it used it , i got the first child
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: You're getting way behind, however.
stevenb337 : how is that goddess?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : We'd moved well past that.
Sure: blame me for being less retarded than a christian.... |
horselessryder : ok well you being a newby to this i guess i can accept that
harlinoff123 : Dave: goddess, its called the holy spirit, you can feel it
lissianthus : it sure as hell doesnt, gold
zedechiah_the_messiah : the Gnu is apparent in nature
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Hold on, I'll get you the specific quote I was addressing.
fear_n0_evil : Jealous
goddess_goldberry : the second one i got while useing condoms.. i am just irregular AND fertile
bastinblack : harlin- i can feel the holy spirit?
zedechiah_the_messiah : it is self-evident
cloudytears2003 : hey room
horselessryder : well ....
cloudytears2003 : LOL
brngreenback : ambassador, alright. Why bring up whether or not aboriganal cultures used multiplication then?
horselessryder : lets see
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay. What's required to have a prayer answered without fail?
brngreenback : What IS the context?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:02:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : a pure heart
lissianthus : hi cloudytears2003
snake_blisken_86 : How do you know for sure everyone feels the holy spirit/
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani : jesi; please demonstrate an aboriginal civilization which practiced multiplication before exposure to mainstream western (or eastern) society?
snake_blisken_86 : ?*
stevenb337 : and you used the condom improperly
Is it me, or is a pure heart three words? |
horselessryder : thats the best one word answer i can give
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: See above.
lissianthus : feels up the holey spirit
cloudytears2003 : LMAO
stevenb337 : not that they are flawless
goddess_goldberry : steve.. you can get preggers at just about any part in your cycle.. everyone is different, and telling people to mark their calander might help for people who are very very regular..
cloudytears2003 : :)):))
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I was referring to that comment from indondasani.
goddess_goldberry : steven.. how?
horselessryder : do you know what a pure heart is?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: that's untestable by your bullshit measurements. Rephrase.
zedechiah_the_messiah : Liss is a thespian
morgion777 : <----feels the holy spirit in his underpants...
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: Told you you weren't paying attention :P
the_ambassador_in_bonds : shrugs.
indondasani : if one wishes to try to distinguish an "invention" from a "discovery", I would note that theism carries inherent the opinion that God existing is a discovery.
goddess_goldberry : steven.. they fail.. not often, but it happens..
lissianthus : yah! i was a thespian in high school
brngreenback : ambassador, I saw that. Were you just nitpicking, though, or were you responding for a reason?
snake_blisken_86 : something a fool believes in ryder.
theophrenie : is back
theophrenie : « Hi Mountain Woman
lissianthus : on accounta i was in the play
stevenb337 : even properly applied, condoms con fail to do their proper job
indondasani : furthermore, one still needs to cognize a "discovery".
brngreenback : I mean, it's clear that the debate wasn't centered around aboriganal cultures.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:03:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : h itheo!
maddkiller18 : what the hell are you all talking about?
Yay: another uninvolved moron assuming there's no backstory to this shit.... |
harlinoff123 : gremlin, your lame attempts at mocking ryders name are immature and underhanded in my oppinion.
zedechiah_the_messiah : uh huh.
lissianthus : uh huh!
goddess_goldberry : steve.. ok , so don't assume i did it wrong!
horselessryder : a heart that is selfless, a heart that is humble, a heart that has love overflowing
stevenb337 : lol
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: I questioned the validity of the analogy as a whole prior to that. And explained with numerous posts why it wasn't valid, using an another analogy to evolution.
gremlin_net : harlinoff123: noted; discarded by apathy.
horselessryder : shall i define love?
goddess_goldberry : horse.. going to put that to crappy music?
stevenb337 : I'm sorry, you used an imprefect form of contraception :-)
stevenb337 : imperfect*
zedechiah_the_messiah : everyone knows a thespian is a girl that likes to kiss other girls
horselessryder : harlinoff?????
goddess_goldberry : lol steve..
maddkiller18 : like this gremlin guy
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: hearts aren't known to exhibit those attributes in fact.
theophrenie : « Thespian, how nasty :)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: That specific post was a different context, and thus warranted a different nature of response.
lissianthus : U R reeeely 2 DUM zed
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: You fucked up, move on :)
maddkiller18 : are you talking in the third person
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:04:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
cloudytears2003 : Hey can any of you tell me something
maddkiller18 : what the hell
the_ambassador_in_bonds : lissianthus = 2 dum 4 me n e way.
zedechiah_the_messiah : u no u r Liss
goddess_goldberry : well, get this.. i am allergic to most pills, i can't use spermicides, i am allergic to latex.. and i am irregular and very fertile
maddkiller18 : what
lissianthus : no U
lissianthus : fukers
goddess_goldberry : i am basically a genetically perfect baby machine
maddkiller18 : what do you want to know
brngreenback : ambassador, alright. What was the context the aboriginal post was in, then? Why was it brought up?
stevenb337 : you should just swear off
theophrenie : « mofo
Christianity: the art of making up the first goofy excuse to come to mind when shown that you're totally full of shit. |
horselessryder : gremlin thats because your heart might be hardend....
lissianthus : bofumU
goddess_goldberry : lol steven
brngreenback : you still haven't answered that.
goddess_goldberry : i can't i am addicted
indondasani : goddess; wow.
zedechiah_the_messiah : c Liss haz tha poty mouth
snake_blisken_86 : Edipus: kills father and seduces his mother
goddess_goldberry : i have to have sex every night
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: what did I tell you would happen if you lied about me again?
lissianthus : wipes her mouf
indondasani : grem has high cholesterol?
goddess_goldberry : right now, i am waiting for the hubby to go to bed, so that i can join...
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: It was in the context of whether or not it was inherent. Again, I wasn't questioning the conclusion, I was questioning the premise.
theophrenie : « hehe Liss. The Mars God cometh.
cloudytears2003 : Okay you christians say god is the almighy he is the holly one that he is the creater
lissianthus : she does, theo!
horselessryder : hey you do it to me... its not fair:((
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:05:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : awww is horse lying agains?
m1z_direction : i beg to differ morpheus. the only sin that is unredeemable in christianity is profaning the holy spirit. similar in punishment to the islamic 'shirk'.
theophrenie : « she?it's a he
libraskeptical : Shit.
bastinblack : cloudy- i dont think anyone calls god holly
horselessryder : sorry ill appologize
lissianthus : hell if i know
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: But your response was in the context of the conclusion--a point I never brought up, much less challenged.
goddess_goldberry : horse.. when did grem lie?
brngreenback : OKAY. So, me addressing whether or not multiplication was INHERENT was most certainly VALID then.
horselessryder : im sorry
goddess_goldberry : lol tannar.
theophrenie : « Mars,the God of War
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: Not to me it wasn't. That's not what I was addressing.
lissianthus : oh ok
indondasani : ambassador; I've since responded to that, by the way. Want me to repost?
cloudytears2003 : if he made us and stuff
horselessryder : hey calls me mean names that arnt true:-P
lissianthus : bet mars is gay tho
horselessryder : he*
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I haven't lied about you. You're a known troll, a known fraud, a casual terrorist, a confessed moron, and you're guilty of libel. Given all that, why the fuck would I lie about you?
cloudytears2003 : Then why in the hell does he bring pain
brngreenback : ambassador, then don't respond.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: That was the conclusion, which, as I just noted, had nothing to do with my concern.
theophrenie : « Mars the Thatvage?
cloudytears2003 : why does he bring so much damn hurt
indondasani : is a bit slow in reaction time right now since he's in PM with a friend.
goddess_goldberry : horse.. he isn't calling you mean names.. you are lying.. that isn't a name..
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: I didn't, but it took me forever to explain to you why I didn't :)
stevenb337 : It is Pandora's fault, shorty.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:06:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : lol tannar.. hehe
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Try and keep up next time :)
maddkiller18 : shorty its no used talking to these idiots
horselessryder : terrorist ? wow thats a term on TV alot these days
stevenb337 : Or Eve's fault
lissianthus : hehe steven
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: Sure.
goddess_goldberry : steven.. blame adam
Is maddkiller18 talking in the third person too? Or is he somehow excluded from this trend.... |
maddkiller18 : hell, they are all talking in third person
morgion777 : shorty...pain is just a natural response to negative external stimuli.
goddess_goldberry : stop blaming women
lissianthus : glad to see cloudytears2003 has her baloney meter running
fluke_is_tired : hi empty
stevenb337 : or any number of women's fault, depending on what creation story you believe
m1z_direction : lol
maddkiller18 : like they are the discipils themselves
stevenb337 : I believe them all ;-)
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: you hit us with the terroristic ultimatum of 'believe or burn'; that's the act of a terrorist.
goddess_goldberry : if adam had just laid back and allowed lilith to be on top.. none of this would have happened
emptier_mbs : hi
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: now stop evading and explain how to get a prayer answered, guaranteed.
call_me_867_5309 : good evening.
Why is it that the only people dumb enough to try to insult me in a chatroom always turn out to be these laughable, illiterate imbeciles? |
maddkiller18 : maybe your the terrorist
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:07:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : ha! gold!
horselessryder : no i didnt.... that was some other guy that comes in here
horselessryder : i never said that... thats not my style
lissianthus : that's 'you're', maddkiller18
stevenb337 : It is God's fault, because if Adam had a wide screen tv, cable, and an XBox, he wouldn't have needed Eve
lissianthus : big dummy
goddess_goldberry : lol steve hehehe
horselessryder : i told you gremlin
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : is away (Away)
stevenb337 : :-)
bastinblack : mi-ke: hello. we dont all believe in god.
maddkiller18 : someone who keeps talking the way you do gremlin can't be right in the head
gremlin_net : maddkiller18: maybe 'your' is a possessive determiner; maybe you're an illiterate plebeian.
indondasani : ambassador; the first argument is that theism is true because it's inherent. The counterargument often implies that theism _isn't_ true because it's not inherent. I was just stating that theism isn't inherent, but that doesn't keep it from being true.
morgion777 : maybe there should be a "hell" for believers...nah.
horselessryder : ok if you dont believe in heart
brngreenback : ambassador, if you wanna continue this, as evidenced by your barb, I would like to ask how knowing two piles of two logs makes four logs, which you posted, is more valid than not knowing automitacally that ten piles of ten logs is a hundred logs.
brngreenback : bang ;)
lissianthus : only believers go to hell
call_me_867_5309 : gremlin :))
horselessryder : for you i will phrase the term " pure intentions"
fluke_is_tired : can you see my im, empty?
lissianthus : bad, mean believers
emptier_mbs : yeah
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:08:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
emptier_mbs : you dont see mine
fluke_is_tired : ok brb
goddess_goldberry : horse.. people pray without pure intentions?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: the last thing you fully explained was that asking led directly to receiving; then you backpeddled when you hit a paradox.
spartanxx2003 : Dumb people go to hell too
goddess_goldberry : pure is relative
maddkiller18 : you might think that, but all you are doing is using big words to make yourself bigger than what you really are
lissianthus : cause only believers sin
horselessryder : all the time goddess
tony_met2002 : i want to lay my sweaty balls on krischen's chin
lissianthus : the rest of us dont
happily_ex_fundy : ahh, the wonders of text :|
gremlin_net : maddkiller18: I'm six foot five; I'm big enough.
indondasani : gremlin; "What if you ask not to recieve?"
lissianthus : jeeeezuz tony
libraskeptical : rolls her eyes.
stevenb337 : but what if the believers believe that non-believers go to hell, on the believers happen to be right?
goddess_goldberry : i think if someone really wants to win a football game.. that could be pure
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zed: A question regarding Charlesworth's book (I moved, and it never made it to me :( ) On thomas as the BD: How can that be reconciled with Jn.20? Thomas does not receive the Holy Spirit, does not receive Jesus' command to go out and preach the gospel--it seems to me that the message is clear: Thomas is not an apostle, and Thomasine christians are to be condemned.
lissianthus : thats not readable
the_ambassador_in_bonds : indondasani: That's what I said to begin with.
maddkiller18 : im 6.2
horselessryder : gremlin im sorry i will be more clear with you from now on ok i promise
gremlin_net : indondasani: that's still up my sleeve; I'll get to it.
lissianthus : so what, maddkiller18 ?
goddess_goldberry : steven.. according to their bible.. that isn't a god i WANT to spend time with
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:09:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
maddkiller18 : what the hell does hieght have to do with anything
lissianthus : i'm 5'2
gremlin_net : maddkiller18: six point two what?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: I think it was clear in my example that I was exhibiting rather primitive methods of multiplication.
indondasani : steven; what if the believers believe that non-believers go to hell, but they're wrong and the _believers_ go to hell, instead?
zedechiah_the_messiah : Nooooooo. nothing suggests that Thomas is left out of the loop
horselessryder : i dont want you to just jump right away on everything i say pickin and pickin at every little bit
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: then be right.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : zedechiah_the_messiah: He's not one of the ten who receive Jesus' breath, and the command to go to all nations.
goddess_goldberry : horse.. learn to speak the truth
maddkiller18 : its reall funny how you talk like you can actually do something over the "internet"
goddess_goldberry : lol grem hehe
stevenb337 : I mean, it isn't like you spend a lot of time with him right now...
maddkiller18 : real brilliant
the_ambassador_in_bonds : zedechiah_the_messiah: How then, can he claim apostolic authority?
morgion777 : i'm not willing to sell my "soul" just to get my "get out of hell free" card. seems there are a lot of xians that use religion as a protection.
call_me_867_5309 : mike how old are you?
horselessryder : right
horselessryder : ;)
goddess_goldberry : steven. there is a reason for that. .he is mean
horselessryder : ok so?
gremlin_net : maddkiller18: strawman; I never threatened to do something over the 'net.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:10:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : well?
fluke_is_tired : hi baby
zedechiah_the_messiah : Cal but he is one of teh chosen - "i have chosen you"
bastinblack : mike- you're doing no good at all for your cause.
emptier_mbs : hi
lissianthus : make that 'phoney protection', morgion777
horselessryder : pure intentions? do you understand?
horselessryder : or?
horselessryder : more clarification
horselessryder : ?
stevenb337 : what if the afterlife is just another version of this life, and where you start depends on how well you followed the rules for this life
brngreenback : Okay. That, actually, wasn't clear to me. I thought you were talking about multiplication in general, the way we use the word today.
It's been ten minutes since this was first asked. If brainlessryder really thinks this slowly, he's still deciding what to have for breakfast yesterday.... |
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so. What procedure guarantees that your wish will come true?
stevenb337 : but the question remains... what are the rules?
call_me_867_5309 : i'll return later.
maddkiller18 : man, you must be brainless
call_me_867_5309 : peace.
lissianthus : would love to make the rules
horselessryder : wish? this isnt aladdins lamp....
goddess_goldberry : steven.. i think that how you live your life is more important than whose rules you followed...
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: I said, repeatedly, that they would have used it in a practical sense, not in the abstract one we think of today.
lissianthus : i'd have this planet cleaned up in no time
emptier_mbs : this room turned into caca
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so, if you pray for something, and receiving it would be beneficial to people, you'd get it?
bastinblack : Cloudy- who the HELL are you talking to?
horselessryder : gremlin you really are new to this arnt you
the_ambassador_in_bonds : brngreenback: I couldn't have been much clearer--I said it repeatedly.
emptier_mbs : or doo doo
morgion777 : lissianthus...thanks for the clarification there, just saying that rather than having "authentic" beliefs, they're just hedging their bets on the afterlife.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:11:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
emptier_mbs : or poo poo
goddess_goldberry : just because you think "godsaidso" doesn't always mean that is good
horselessryder : procedure?
morgion777 : oops..."afterlife".
horselessryder : hmmm
indondasani : somehow managed to completely fall out of this conversation.
goddess_goldberry : look at the kkk, they are following gods word
stevenb337 : well, how well you lived your life depends on what rules you base it on
fluke_is_tired : can you see my im baby?
spartanxx2003 : weeny way, lol
lissianthus : life after death is for those with no lives before death
lissianthus : ask grem
brngreenback : ambassador, yeah, but "practical and abstract" don't correlate directly to "primitive and modern", and you can see how the knowledge that ten groups of ten logs is a hundred is at least practical.
horselessryder : i dunno... there isnt a "procedure" . for muslims there is ... you have to face east...
fluke_is_tired : wb baby
goddess_goldberry : steven.. true.. which is why i am intellegent enough to determine my own rules..
lissianthus : there are ACTUAL t shirts that say that!
emptier_mbs : its fucked
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: that's what you've suggested so far. If you pray unselfishly for something, you'l get it. Is there anything else?
stevenb337 : if my rule was to kill people, and I didn't kill anyone, I wouldn't have done a very good job at following the rule
spartanxx2003 : I used to have a life.
emptier_mbs : no one can see anyone else
atheologian : is away (away)
brngreenback : So, I got the wrong message, and we clarified.
Anyone else get the impression that brainlessryder has completely forgotten what he's trying to lie about? |
horselessryder : but God is everywhere according to theists so...
emptier_mbs : i can see you though
fluke_is_tired : i see you
stevenb337 : agreed
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:12:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : steven agreed
stevenb337 : :-)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : He doesn't breathe the Holy Spirit on Thomas.
indondasani : hmm.
stevenb337 : what if he coughed on thomas? like he had a cold or something?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: if I pray unselfishly for something, am I guaranteed to get it? Or is there more to it?
zedechiah_the_messiah : what exactly are you refering to, Cal?
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. they seem to think they are
the_ambassador_in_bonds : When Jesus appears to the ten disciples.
fluke_is_tired : can you see my im baby?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:13:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : and well your prayers should be inclined towards the Will of God... ok so unselfish and Will of God... id say thats pretty good
cloudytears2003 : Hey sweeite
fear_n0_evil : Without pain, you could not recognize happiness
the_ambassador_in_bonds : John makes a point in 20.24 of noting that "But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came"
emptier_mbs : yeah
emptier_mbs : stop trying
goddess_goldberry : are you saying that your relationships iwht god is better than theirs?
emptier_mbs : its failed
fluke_is_tired : sorry
the_ambassador_in_bonds : That was when he gave the commission.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: you mean the divine plan?
horselessryder : and well your prayers should be inclined towards the Will of God... ok so unselfish and Will of God... id say thats pretty good
the_ambassador_in_bonds : That was when he gave the Spirit.
cloudytears2003 : john john
spartanxx2003 : Zed, how many resurrections have you been through by now?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : That was when he gave apostolic authority.
morgion777 : religion is for the weak. stand on your own. "all living creatures die alone and afraid." deal with it.
hunter_the_crazychick : is back
hunter_the_crazychick : needs a video fixer, bah.
I'm hoping this is a metaphor, and that someone out there has some idea what it means; right now, it looks more like brainlessryder being truly fucking retarded.... |
horselessryder : if you do that gremlin you could ask a mountain to pick itself up and through itself into the sea;)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : And Thomas wasn't there, and nothing in the Doubting Thomas pericope indicates that he received such authority.
goddess_goldberry : horse. .doesn't say that in the bible
lissianthus : shit i hope i die in my sleep in clean undies
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : i guess zed is here
snowwhitecries : holy shit!! i can see people!!
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:14:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : hi snow
stevenb337 : anyone here read the bible in its original languages?
zedechiah_the_messiah : Theoo too damned many
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: this will thing is immutable; it's been predestined since the beginning of time. If your prayer has to conform to the plan laid out by the deity, then praying is a waste of time; it's going to happen anyway.
spartanxx2003 : hehehe
goddess_goldberry : steven.. i read some of the hebrew
stevenb337 : or do people here think that doesn't matter?
horselessryder : goddess it does .. besides im speakking from personal experience
snowwhitecries : damn room wouldn't work for 2 days
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Hold whatever thought you've got for like two minutes, Zed, the dogs are about to start killing each other. . .
goddess_goldberry : steven.. it does matter, completly
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : snow did you try during the day?
lissianthus : jeezuz cal, train your damn dogs
stevenb337 : so does goddess have a better understanding of the bible than everyone here?
bastinblack : "It wasnt JUST an apple. It was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The subtle message? 'Get smart and I'll fuck you over' sayeth the Lord. God is the smartest, and he doesn't want any Competition. Is this not an absolutely anti-intellectual religion?"-Frank Zappa
horselessryder : oh well maybe i could explain to you free will then gremlin?
bastinblack : oh man, hot wings. Yumm
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:15:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : just ate an apple:O
stevenb337 : or is goddess's interpretation of the bible flawed as well, for languages that change over time?
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : condemnation to follow!
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: free will has nothing to do with talking a deity into changing its divine plan.
lissianthus : people should take a training test before they can have dogs. and kids
lissianthus : no stevenb337
I never quite figured out what this stump thing was supposed to be about. |
horselessryder : for we have established what a prayer needs but now we have come along to a stump
zedechiah_the_messiah : Cal, but he is in the following pericope. 1) Jesus chose them, they didnt choose Jesus 2) Thomas wasnt at the initial appearance to the other apostles, but he IS present in the boat 3) there is nothing that suggests Thomas was somehow excluded. he is the skeptical eyewitness to the resurrection
lissianthus : zed has the best training
stevenb337 : Note* Goddess is not flawed...or maybe she is... if she believes in original sin :-)
goddess_goldberry : tannar, by that logic, there have been no true christians until the last 100yrs.. because they all intepreted wrong
horselessryder : well...
lissianthus : or anyway thats how i'd vote
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:16:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : yit's been predestined since the beginning of time. If your prayer has to conform to the plan laid out by the deity, then praying is a waste of time; it's going to happen anyway.
zedechiah_the_messiah : damn canadians
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so, you're basically telling me that your wish is guaranteed to come true if it was going to come true either way.
horselessryder : thats you
stevenb337 : no to what, liss?
horselessryder : wish?
lissianthus : i answered your question, stevenb337
bastinblack : Mike- how old are you?
horselessryder : there is that word again that makes the whole thing cheesy
stevenb337 : I asked a few questions :-)
gremlin_net : brainlessryder; wish; prayer; whatever.
snowwhitecries : hmmm...guess i can't see everyone though
horselessryder : its not a wish
horselessryder : its more than that
lissianthus : nevermind
tony_met2002 : krischenmy penis is your lord
snowwhitecries : kicks yahoo again
horselessryder : no not really
lissianthus : am too tipsy to type stuff over
lissianthus : tony dammit i cant see that
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:17:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : but whatever
bastinblack : MIKE- HOW OLD ARE YOU?
horselessryder : its a theist thing;)
lissianthus : its waaaaay too small
stevenb337 : awww... I asked, if she knew more than eveyrone else, or that her interpretation wsa just as flawed, because she didn't read it when it was written
brngreenback : What IS the difference between a wish and a prayer?
lissianthus : and i answered
bill_hicks_the_prophet : How can "knowledge" be wrong?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: right. 'wish' makes it sound cheesy; 'prayer' is such a solid fucking concept. Dear Invisible Improbable Guy: I wish for something, but call it a prayer so it doesn't sound silly.
emptier_mbs : enable voice
stevenb337 : or if it doesn't have to be taken literally?
horselessryder : ya gremlin i would say my praying is part of Gods Plan
lissianthus : although, gold has a lotta info
horselessryder : any thoughts on that?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: then why do it?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:18:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
stevenb337 : I asked two questions, and you only answered once
fear_n0_evil : Adam was our perfect federal represenative, perfect because God(God being perfect) chose Adam. Though our represenative we sinned.
horselessryder : because i need something maybe
venalguy518 : Really though, how long does god hold a grudge? It's been over 2,000 years, get over it!
opus1012001 : great christian/atheist debate forum...balanced and fair!
lissianthus : stops talking to stevenb337, too cornfusing
stevenb337 : sorry liss
opus1012001 : great christian/atheist debate forum...balanced and fair!
horselessryder : maybe for me or for someone i love or for someone i dont love
brngreenback : But, you don't WISH for the things you need.
harlinoff123 : i gotta split, ryder don't take it too presonal bud, agree to disagree, that's how i found out how to sleep after chatting here lol :)) nite all
lissianthus : no, im sorry, i shoulda stayed out of it
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so. What began as 'ask and you shall receive' has evolved into 'pray, and if it was about to happen anyway, you'll get it'. Right?
horselessryder : sauce later brother
horselessryder : peace be with you
the_ambassador_in_bonds : zed: But there's nothing indicating that Thomas received any authority on the boat, nor any authority during the doubting thomas pericope--it's almost condemnatory--"Blessed is he who does *not* see, and believes", the implication I'm reading is "Blessed isn't Thomas." Were he trying to say that Thomas is still blessed, it would have made more sense for it to read "How much more blessed is he who does not see and believes."
stevenb337 : no, you are more than welcome to comment... this is the format of the Yahoo Chat rooms :-)
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:19:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
stevenb337 : Other people like to say shut up, but I don't
lissianthus : yah i know but nevermind
stevenb337 : I have no right.
horselessryder : evolved ? isnt that an athiest term:-P?
venalguy518 : The first 2 people ever created screw up that bad? God should have started over.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : is increasingly persuaded to see John at large, and particularly the conclusion, as a condemnation of Thomas--sort of serving to balance with the opening condemnations of JBap.
lissianthus : radar?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: no; it's an English term. It means to change in stages.
bill_hicks_the_prophet : But Flavius, there is some truth in that as human suffering is mostly caused by humans
radardog : Hah. So I can finally get in here when I update YM.
bill_hicks_the_prophet : Nothing to do with Genisis]
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:20:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
stevenb337 : if we take the length of the lineage in the old testament literally, how old is the world supposed to be?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: now stop evading and answer the question.
horselessryder : you were the one who brought up -this will thing is immutable; it's been predestined since the beginning of time. If your prayer has to conform to the plan laid out by the deity, then praying is a waste of time; it's going to happen anyway.
goddess_goldberry : tannar, no i am trying to say that until the last 100yrs.. the majority of christians would have said the kkk were right.
horselessryder : im not trying to change the subject you are
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so the divine plan isn't an issue? I just have to ask for something with pure intentions, and I'll get it?'
the_ambassador_in_bonds : The other thing is, there's no indication until Jn.20.24 that Thomas wasn't there. The Doubting Thomas pericope stands firmly on its own--what of the possibility of interpolation?
zedechiah_the_messiah : Cal its a double entendre. 1) "this is the disciple who witnessed these things - He is the skeptic. He DID believe that Jesus was taken to heaven but was skeptical over the resurrection, until he sees for himself so at the same time he is 2) the human apostle. he doubts but his faith is reassured. he is a model for those who have not seen
theophrenie : is away (Away)
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:21:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : jan
colorofjanuary : lissi. :)
It's almost as though brainlessryder is predicting a setup, isn't it? He might be capable of learning through negative reinforcement after all.... |
horselessryder : well give me an example of what is on your mind?
bastinblack : enjoys that gremlin has been calling horselessryder brainlessryder
lissianthus : yay
lissianthus : she sees me!
colorofjanuary : hehe
lissianthus : been codding lately jan? :))
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: praying for something unselfishly, to help others.
goddess_goldberry : Christians have a lovely history of interpreting the bible in very violent and self serving ways. .and they continue that trend with haterd and intolerance against non believers, homosexuals.. basically anything that is not like them
colorofjanuary : lissi: taking continuation massage classes is goddamn expensive. i'm upset, because i really wanna take more!
colorofjanuary : lissi: of course! ;)
bastinblack : afk
horselessryder : enjoys to be reticuled because it is attonement for ones sins <
lissianthus : good!
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. the majority , not the minority
lissianthus : hey tool
tool28eulogy : time
the_ambassador_in_bonds : will have to mull that one over for a bit :|
zedechiah_the_messiah : well really it doesnt indicate 10 either. it just says the disciples were there. then goes on to say that Thom was not
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:22:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : no gremlin
tool28eulogy : hello to whom that matter
goddess_goldberry : tannar, there will always be a minority who wil go against the mainstream,
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: the original sin was learning; you're clean so far.
bill_hicks_the_prophet : Plus most white hate groups today consider themselves "christian"
lissianthus : wow, wonder if i matter
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zed: Which is my point. If the Doubting Thomas Pericope didn't exist, we would conclude that all of the apostles were there.
horselessryder : give me an example of something YOU would "pray" or wish for unselfishly if you had to
colorofjanuary : lissi: codding. it's so constructive. :P
bill_hicks_the_prophet : hhahahahahah
somersetcase1 : being ridiculed is atonement for sin? hmm okay, well, keep spouting those gems and being ridiculed wont be a problem. heh
horselessryder : :(
the_ambassador_in_bonds : zed; The DT pericope stands all by itself, almost anomalous to the preceding pericope.
darkwolf19742003 : hi
goddess_goldberry : tannar, i am simply saying you can't determine if they are truely following the word of god, they seem to think they do
horselessryder : ya i knew id get a responce outta you guys with that comment;)
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I'd pray for...good question. I guess I'd pray for the extinction of a disease, or something.
colorofjanuary : counts
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:23:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : and only god can judge whether they are or not
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Which indicates to me that a later scribe, with ever so much more reason to condemn Thomas, might have taken liberties with John's text.
horselessryder : now gremlin....
tool28eulogy : jesus,what is everyone stuck up or they just cant see me,or I cant see them?
gremlin_net : Hmmm?
lissianthus : tool?
horselessryder : what do you expect from this prayer
venalguy518 : I see tool...
elijah5791 : complements the room...I just left one of yahoo's christian chat rooms and must say, even though they were very nice people, the conversation was exceptionally boring. It is worth saying that I am constantly impressed with the level of debate in this room, even though, as a christian, I disagree with most of what is postulated in here.
colorofjanuary : right now
fear_n0_evil : I'd pray that God's name be kept Holy.
horselessryder : that like.... it would be granted the next day?
lissianthus : i was talking to tool
somersetcase1 : tool, that's the first post I've seen from you
hunter_the_crazychick : Grr.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: results. I expect to get what I ask for. Like you said.
darkwolf19742003 : tool i think they are stuck up
lissianthus : tool28eulogy
lissianthus : hey
stevenb337 : Tool... I only saw the line about everyone being stuck up
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:24:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : lets all shun tool!
Wouldn't this be kinda required to know that the prayer worked? This all came from brainlessryder knowing that deities exist because his specific wish came true. Why shouldn't we expect prayers to work according to the contract? |
horselessryder : so you would want the prayer carried out as YOU picture it?
lissianthus : :))
bill_hicks_the_prophet : You believe God is God? What kind of argument is that?
zedechiah_the_messiah : But it is a continuation from previously when Thomas WAS around and it is said that he believed (and this is where its a little sticky. What does he believe. obviously from 20.24 its not the resurrection. its that he has gone to god). Later it is said he has returned and this he does NOT believe. narrative flow. return to Thomas
stevenb337 : that is the argument of identity
the_ambassador_in_bonds : is puzzled by John's relationship to Thomas. Whatever it was, Thomasine Christians clearly didn't pay it any mind--there's no retaliation of any sort.
stevenb337 : a mathematical proof
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: not as such. I'd just expect the results to conform to the condition of the prayer.
stevenb337 : 1 = 1
stevenb337 : god = god
gremlin_net : conditions*
tool28eulogy : pokes at the stuck up people with a chicken neck
stevenb337 : you can't prove that god != god
indondasani : vanishes from online-land.
lissianthus : haaaaa
colorofjanuary : lissi: i think i'm going to write "hi lissi" on it and see if you get it. ;)
stevenb337 : just like you can't prove that 1 != 1
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:25:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : poor tool, that happened ot me earlier
tool28eulogy : doesnt see liss
lissianthus : ok jan!
horselessryder : ehhhh so your prayer would be " Dear God please take away all decease from the world tomorrow"???
venalguy518 : doesn't like cock being pointed at him.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zed: But if we cut John off at 20.23, we have a solid conclusion to the gospel. The Doubting Thomas pericope isn't necessary to it.
lissianthus : i will write jan on mine!
zedechiah_the_messiah : i see John as one big fat redaction
lissianthus : haaaaaaa
horselessryder : is that safe to say?
horselessryder : or would you change that?
stevenb337 : it isn't the people, it is the chat engine
horselessryder : im just trying to make this clear
darkwolf19742003 : i don't see liss either
radardog : steven, actually, you can, if you allow division by zero.
lissianthus : tool?
darkwolf19742003 : but hello everyone else
stevenb337 : how?
tool28eulogy : I does it all the time...its become quite annoying
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that there is definitely a lot of big fat redaction in John.
lissianthus : toooooooool
tool28eulogy : hi liss!
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I don't know if I'd put a time limit on it, necessarily; I mean, how quickly could an omnipotent deity really get around to something?
somersetcase1 : horselessryder, erm, two diffent accounts of the same event, matthew and luke have jesus saying.."I tell you the truth, if you believe you will recieve whatever you ask for in prayer." Not whatever God feels like gicving you, not whatever4 is unselfish, not the way God wants to give it, or any other twisted and added way. Simple, believe, ask, get. In that order.
tool28eulogy : I see ya know
lissianthus : stoooool!!!! haaahahahaha
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:26:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
tool28eulogy : :(
lissianthus : haaaa!
the_ambassador_in_bonds : You ever read any of the arguments for Johanine dependence on Mark?
radardog : steven- You've never seen the proof? lol
stevenb337 : no, that joke proof has a flaw
lissianthus : we could all see you whining tool!
lissianthus : ha!
tool28eulogy : no more ass grabbing for you liss
lissianthus : aw
lissianthus : shucks
the_ambassador_in_bonds : read D. Moody Smith's _John Among the Gospels_ last year, found it surprisingly persuasive, but not quite good enough. . .
baby_cuz : can i grab a ass?
elijah5791 : COMPLEMENTS the room...I just left one of yahoo's christian chat rooms and must say, even though they were very nice people, the conversation was exceptionally boring. It is worth saying that I am constantly impressed with the level of debate in this room, even though, as a christian, I disagree with most of what is postulated in here
zedechiah_the_messiah : He cant. Thats the point of all the gospels. reassuring the community. They ARE those who have not seen and yet believed. Thats the authors target audience.
tool28eulogy : besides,the last time I did that you farted on me
lissianthus : tool you autta go out and come back maybe
lissianthus : then you might see everyone
tool28eulogy : I'll try
tireless_2003 : Pascal's wager stresses the omnipotence of God?
lissianthus : k
stevenb337 : elijah, do you stu-stu-stutter?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: but I'd probably go with something like 'for the betterment of mankind, please remove DiseaseX from the universe as soon as possible'.
colorofjanuary : lissi: you ever check your codding on ?
tool28eulogy : brb
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:27:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
radardog : steven- I said if you allow division by zero. lol
tony_met2002 : ah alas!tireless enters the room
lissianthus : no, why jan?
stevenb337 : no
zedechiah_the_messiah : Cal: um, yeah. Mostly point counter points. stuff shit. whats his name. Dodd?
darkwolf19742003 : that doesn't always work liss
lissianthus : whats that?
fear_n0_evil : Mormonism LDS even better.............?
colorofjanuary : lissi: i'm gonna start tracking them. see if anything comes up.
stevenb337 : because that doesn't correctly divide by zero :-)
lissianthus : i know, darkwolf19742003
the_ambassador_in_bonds : hasn't read Dodd. . .
darkwolf19742003 : i'm just talking to myself
lissianthus : oh
And the 'tard forgets that he's involved in a debate, again.... |
horselessryder : somersetcase you choose to put that line under the microscope but probably forgot to look at love you neighbor and give your possestions to the poor and love God with all your soul and mind
baby_cuz : errr
lissianthus : hi jo
baby_cuz : i am too
somersetcase1 : So, I can only conclude a couple of things. Either Jesus was wrong, or no one really believes. Perhaps matthew and luke are wrong about what he said. That's about it.
darkwolf19742003 : k liss :)
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so. Would that work?
baby_cuz : someone
elijah5791 : Steve...just thought it was worth repeating
colorofjanuary : lissi: you put the serial number in and if someone else gets it and enters it, you know. :)
zedechiah_the_messiah : stuff like the Johanine Circle and such
fear_n0_evil : Mormon go striaght to heaven by that logic.
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. maybe
stevenb337 : okay elijah... I had to expand my chat window :-)
lissianthus : bah, too much work, jan
zedechiah_the_messiah : i really need to reread it
venalguy518 : Pick the religion that allows for the most deviation from it's rules, you'll be ok.
radardog : stevenb- How exactly would you correctly divide by zero?
fear_n0_evil : Mormons go straight to heaven by that logic.
lissianthus : i'll stick to codding
tool28eulogy : there we go....hi goddess
tireless_2003 : Islam creates hell for everyone else thinking that this gets them into paradise :-)
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:28:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
elijah5791 : :-)
tool28eulogy : liss?
stevenb337 : when you divide anything by zero, the answer is infinity
darkwolf19742003 : hi tireless
horselessryder : sorry gremlin i couldnt resist to respond to somerset ... that prayer is fine
somersetcase1 : horseless, not putting anyline under any microscope. Do you know where the verse is? Do you know the context? I do, and would suggest finding out before you claim "out of context."
lissianthus : stoool?
fear_n0_evil : *** michael_seven77 will be ignored.
horselessryder : now....
salient2 : If I actually thought pascals wager had any validity I would just rub lamps, and to get my three wishes
lissianthus : jo?
tool28eulogy : doesnt see liss again
darkwolf19742003 : hi vulp
horselessryder : the question is ...
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: and I'd receive it then? I'd get what I wished for?
goddess_goldberry : tannar, i was simply stating that if all prayers that are for the will of god will be answered.. then all prayers of the kkk would have to be answered..
tool28eulogy : chrisyt
darkwolf19742003 : hi nobody
stevenb337 : that proof doesn't make the divide by zero equal infinity
tool28eulogy : -y
radardog : stevenb- No, as the denom. gets arbit. close to zero, the answer goes to infinity.
goddess_goldberry : for they do are trying to pray for the will of god
horselessryder : gremlin can i just point something out?
stevenb337 : right
tool28eulogy : jo?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay.
stevenb337 : check the limits?
radardog : stevenb- The denom. never reaches zero.
stevenb337 : that is god's big trick
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:29:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
I'm really starting to wonder what the fuck brainlessryder wished for without being selfish; I shoulda asked him that.... |
horselessryder : i dont think that your prayer is trully "unselfish"
lissianthus : cripes on a cross when is yahell gonna quit fukin around?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: point out whatever you like; I want to be sure this will work.
horselessryder : you know why?
somersetcase1 : Furthermore, is it not an act of love to pray that a loved one be healed of a fatal condition? Yet, not everyone prayed for is healed. One can only conclude a few things.
tool28eulogy : doesnt see jo either
iknowtruthismine : george w.bush is the answer to all KKK prayers
tool28eulogy : damn yahoo
elijah5791 : Salient...Isn't that missing the point of pascals wager?
stevenb337 : how can you tell me that you can have a number approach infinity when you divide by numbers that approach zero...
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. i don't know if i can discredit the faith.. even though it is a completely riduculous faith, but i think the logic used to justify parts of it are false
lissianthus : goddammit
goddess_goldberry : why is that tannar?
lissianthus : tool
lissianthus : jo
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: it woud be totally unselfish. It would help others more than it would help me. I'm not even going after a disease I could ever get.
hierodule_of_fastillion : Finally.
stevenb337 : but when you divide by zero it doesn't equal infinity?
lissianthus : yay
hierodule_of_fastillion : Lissianthus :)
lissianthus : yay!
somersetcase1 : Either thepeople praying don't really believe, jesus was wrong, or his disciples mis stated.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that the arguments for Johanine dependence stem strongly from Ch.6.
fear_n0_evil : Calvinist teach along with man’s free-will is that man is by nature totally depraved. As a result of this depravity he naturally wills to do evil continually
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:30:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : yahoo sucks dog dik
stevenb337 : like I have two apples, how many times can I subtract zero apples from my set of apples?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : is not persuaded that they couldn't have been the result of similar pericopes.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I think he was familiar at least with oral Luke though, and possibly Mark.
stevenb337 : an inifintie number of times, at least until I drop dead from boredom
tony_met2002 : poor tannar,he hasn't a brain to donate
lissianthus : iggies tony
lissianthus : goddamit
salient2 : elijah -- its the same deal, the argument of great benifit at low cost, being a good bet no matter how low the odds.
radardog : stevenb- No. You are right when thinking of limits. But the lim c/x, as x->0 is not the same as c/0.
horselessryder : Give me a sec gremlin i want this to be a goodie
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay....
the_ambassador_in_bonds : The burial clothes. A little too coincidental for me to conclude otherwise--he's clearly redacted Luke's story.
zedechiah_the_messiah : there is exact wording tho. but even then its hard to say its not later harmonization
tool28eulogy : has great eyes....seen what tony posted
lissianthus : shut up tool
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:31:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zed: Exactly.
venalguy518 : Why are you hatin' on tool, liss?
tony_met2002 : ok liss,is this better?...:)
lissianthus : oh jeezuz venalguy518, am kidding
lissianthus : yes tony! thanks
stevenb337 : look at the graph radar! it is a conspiracy I tell you... A conspiracy laid against us ever since the third grade
stevenb337 : lol
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. ok.. but i won't tell you which way i think
goddess_goldberry : :P
tool28eulogy : still doesnt see liss
lissianthus : poor damn tool
radardog : Pascal's expanded wager is great: It shows everyone both has an equal chance of going to heaven and hell.
stevenb337 : just because my graph paper never went to infinity :-P
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:32:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
fear_n0_evil : What is hateful by your standards ?
stevenb337 : I only got it to go like 20 blocks high
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. to be honest.. the biggest stepping block is still believing that all men are sinful, and need salvation from a messiah..
lissianthus : ha! radar
the_ambassador_in_bonds : wishes his dogs would quit trying to kill each other :|
venalguy518 : Yeah, but I wouldn't kill my son for anybody...
fear_n0_evil : What is Good?
lissianthus : train the damn things, cal
lissianthus : cripes
goddess_goldberry : it is right up there with promethus
the_ambassador_in_bonds : lissianthus: They are trained.
Maybe there's a reason that brainlessryder is an idiot; perhaps it's what a deity wants; perhaps that deity knows that only morons would worship it.... |
horselessryder : your prayer is not truly unselfish becuase maybe there is a Reason for all human suffering that you ( a finite creation, very small) cannot understand. and as a theist i must say that this "life" without suffering would be meaningless.... if you want me to try and elaborate on the last sentence fine
lissianthus : no they arent
the_ambassador_in_bonds : They went to doggie school.
lissianthus : or they wouldnt do that
the_ambassador_in_bonds : And graduated with honors :\
the_ambassador_in_bonds : :|
stevenb337 : but most christians don't believe that just because there is a messiah that you are saved.
lissianthus : baloney
stevenb337 : so why do you need one at all?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : They do that because they're big dogs fighting for dominance.
lissianthus : probly got the class clown honors
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:33:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
tool28eulogy : jo :xjo
emptier_mbs : enable voice
hierodule_of_fastillion : Tool :X
lissianthus : they shoulda had it worked out by now
stevenb337 : what the jews really wanted was a military leader who would kick the Romans collective asses.
radardog : stevenb- Division by zero doesn't make sense. It's not a valid thing to do. Infinity is not the answer. Moreso infinity isn't reall an 'answer' perse, but a description of the answer. eg, the answer is a function without bounds.
tool28eulogy : grabs jo's ass instead of liss'
brngreenback : is away (Away)
lissianthus : you need some collars with remotes
brngreenback : is away (Auto Away)
radardog : *really
somersetcase1 : horseless, you can elaborate, and embellish until you're blue in the face, and all it really tells me is that you make it up as you go along. Which, by the way, is fine, but at least admit it.
Brilliant. I prayed for something and didn't get it. Then I came up with possible reasons why I didn't get it. It never occurred to me that the reason might be that deities are mythical. So it must have been some other reason. Therefore, deities must exist.... |
horselessryder : gremlin ive prayed for things and didnt get my prayer ansered... but after wards i saw why....
the_ambassador_in_bonds : laughs.
tony_met2002 : well the hindu monkey was reincarnated "lord Hanuman" ,but still no jesus
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I tried one of those wireless fences.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : It didn't even slow them down.
hierodule_of_fastillion : has a grotesque ass and feels sorry for Tool
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay. So, unless there's a reason for people to suffer this affliction, get rid of it. Right?
lissianthus : cripes cal
stevenb337 : I believe in inifinity
tool28eulogy : I doubt that jo
the_ambassador_in_bonds : But then they were scared to come back in the yard because they get zapped coming back :|
lissianthus : are they mooses?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:34:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
brainlessryder was created by deities to make smart people suffer.... |
horselessryder : your prayer is not truly unselfish becuase maybe there is a Reason for all human suffering that you ( a finite creation, very small) cannot understand. and as a theist i must say that this "life" without suffering would be meaningless....
hierodule_of_fastillion : :|
the_ambassador_in_bonds : They're big, lol.
somersetcase1 : horseless, you can elaborate, and embellish until you're blue in the face, and all it really tells me is that you make it up as you go along. Which, by the way, is fine, but at least admit it.
stevenb337 : so does Matlab :-)
lissianthus : ew, imagines the poo
horselessryder : i wonder what theist would disagree with that statement gremlin
lissianthus : bet you need a backhoe
the_ambassador_in_bonds : has an acre and a half dog run.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : No need to scoop :D
stevenb337 : Matlab also belives in NaN
horselessryder : you are an atheist so u must understand why you wouldnt like it
lissianthus : ick
lissianthus : i have 4 acres and i scoop
venalguy518 : Lots of poo.
tony_met2002 : this jesus is an out-right liar
the_ambassador_in_bonds : The weeds are unbelievable though :|
goddess_goldberry : tannar.. hold that thought. hubby is going to bed
goddess_goldberry : we will talk tomorrow :X
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:35:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : toss it all in the back 4th
radardog : Stevenb- Matlab knows the symbol of infinity: It's not a number. It's not a value. It's a description.
brngreenback : is back
brngreenback : horselessryder, he's not talking about eliminating human suffering. Just a single disease.
brngreenback : is back
elijah5791 : Isn't "proof" just a tool to arrive at "certainty"? Isn't it possible to have "certainty" without "proof"?
fear_n0_evil : Evil is a product of Man
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: it doesn't matter. I just need to know how to word this to get the results we need.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Nah, nobody goes in the dog run but them.
lissianthus : whacks her weeds
brngreenback : horselessryder, like, say, MS
lissianthus : fire danger
the_ambassador_in_bonds : does too.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : But they grow insanely fast.
venalguy518 : smokes his weed.
lissianthus : poo weeds
Honesty in christianity. We've been waiting or seventeen hundred years for this.... |
horselessryder : gremlin im a moron i admit can you rephrase it in little kiddy terms? that sentence :So, unless there's a reason for people to suffer this affliction, get rid of it. Right
the_ambassador_in_bonds : From nothing to a foot and a half in like a week.
lissianthus : ick
defender_of_science : elijah: A proof is only valid in a mathematica sense. If you can not describe something mathematically then you can never proove it.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:36:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay. Lemee think how I want to word this real quick....
fear_n0_evil : Ephesians 1:11In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.
lissianthus : we broke our rain in july record here this weekend, from 1926
horselessryder : take your time
radardog : Anarcho, philosophy proofs work in the same way mathematical ones do.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : We're in the middle of the worst drought since they started recording :|
tool28eulogy : the pic on your profile of you on your hands and knee's?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Fifth year now.
horselessryder : please,
lissianthus : have been here 25 years and not seen rain like we had
hierodule_of_fastillion : :| *nods*
lissianthus : it was great1
venalguy518 : Where are you, liss? We've had lots of rain in my area.
lissianthus : !
elijah5791 : Defender...Is it possible to be certain of something without proof?
lissianthus : northern calif. venalguy518
travis_dye2003 : i wanted an intresting discussion not that anybody will be interrested in the subject but where did existence come from believing that it came from some all controlling being who just came out nowhere is just silly so where did we come from and why?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: okay. Got it. Ready?
tool28eulogy : your butt doesnt look gross from what i can see jo
horselessryder : ready
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that between the drought and you fucking whining Americans "Oh no! Mad Cow!", Alberta farmers are having a rough year. :|
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:37:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
I'd like to thank the Academy.... |
gremlin_net : Fuck me, it worked.
lissianthus : waaaaaaa cal
stevenb337 : >> 1/0
Warning: Divide by zero.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:divideByZero" to suppress this warning.)
ans =
Anyone seen brainlessryder lately? |
tool28eulogy : likes the pic...very nice color
radardog : elijah- Proofs are only as good as their accepted premises.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : But I bought steak for 1.99 a pound today, so it's working out for me :D
stevenb337 : see?
colorofjanuary : *LMFAO* gremlin
stevenb337 : 1/0 gives the answer infinity
hierodule_of_fastillion : I tried to obscure it, because I get slightly in trouble now posting nudes and stuff :|
venalguy518 : Northwest Ohio here. My basement flooded Friday, great mess to clean up.
defender_of_science : elijah: yes. we are certain about axioms, yet they have no proof.
lissianthus : ick
elijah5791 : Radardog...please continue
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I guess you were right; wishes really do come true....
tool28eulogy : :(awww jo
lissianthus : ohio sounds so boring
venalguy518 : Not poo water though, good thing.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : There's actually people from Ohio?
tool28eulogy : I wanted to trade nudies with you:-P
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:38:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lissianthus : yes cal
the_ambassador_in_bonds : wishes the fucking cat would kill this goddam mouse :|
hierodule_of_fastillion : :(
horselessryder : rub that lamp:)
radardog : elijah- I mean, if the premises are never accepted, the proof will never be considered to give a true conclusion.
lissianthus : my cats presented me with a mouse this morn
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: it appears to have worked. Unless you lied to me.
venalguy518 : I like it, quiet most of the time.
hierodule_of_fastillion : got in trouble when she didnt too many angles of her vagina
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Fucking thing brings in harmless squirrels, but can't be bothered to kill the mice inside.
lissianthus : little darlings
the_ambassador_in_bonds : lol, mine too.
travis_dye2003 : i was right nobody would care o well somewhere around yahoo at least ones gotta care
stevenb337 : god damn this yahoo
hunter_the_crazychick : is away (Away)
hierodule_of_fastillion : tannar_darr: What? That you angled your vagina?
tool28eulogy : tannar....I love you all
tool28eulogy : haha
the_ambassador_in_bonds : They kill, then they stash it on my bed, then they rub against my face until I wake up to see it.
thirty-five minutes of pure christian thinking, and he came up with the wrong answer. Little fucker lied to me after all.... |
horselessryder : gremlin no it didnt work becuase still billions of people believe for some reason.... its weird
lissianthus : iiiiiiiick
colorofjanuary : vulpie!
stevenb337 : this happens one more time and I'm going to the fetish rooms
salient2 : Its not so much we are certain of axioms being true in some absolute sense, as much as the axioms define the system we are working with
tool28eulogy : isnt gay though
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Or rather, it.
hierodule_of_fastillion : Jan! :X
horselessryder : ok gremlin are we done?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:39:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : for now
horselessryder : atleast
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: it's just what I proposed. I'm not afflicted with theism; I'm not afflicted with deities; I got rid of them to help you people out. And it fucking worked. Amazing.
tool28eulogy : not that theres anythnig wrong with that though
lissianthus : Chubby has a certain howl when he brings in a mouse
colorofjanuary : snuggles vulpie
the_ambassador_in_bonds : laughs.
hierodule_of_fastillion : gropes Jan
elijah5791 : it is possible to be certain of a premise without proof?
somersetcase1 : horseless, I don't know if you consider the bible to be the word of God, or the inspired word of God or whatever, but if so, you have a problem in that you must add and/or take away from the bible in order to make it fit your theology. I find that interesting.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : hates mice. :|
brngreenback : horselessryder, Could god cure something like MS? Possibly working through people researching to cure the disease?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : My Mastiff ate a mouse the other day. . .live :|
lissianthus : he lost one alive inside once tho, then it died in a corner and i didnt knwo about it till it stunk
fear_n0_evil : Man produces evil.............not God...................... Exodus 50:19 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
tool28eulogy : used to feed mice to his python
lissianthus : nasty!
lissianthus : i hate mice too
venalguy518 : My friend had a dog that would bring him frozen turkeys, no idea where they came from.
tool28eulogy : feeds him cats now
lissianthus : they stink bad
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Dead mice = nasty.
tony_met2002 : omniscience is without limit to knowledge,if that is so,then omnipotence would be equal
dragono00 : thats horrible
tool28eulogy : is joking
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:40:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hierodule_of_fastillion : listens to Rich breathing in her ear
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I hate it when they stash them and I don't find them :|
lissianthus : live mice are nastier
radardog : Premises are generally accepted at some level. Much like mathematical axioms. Such as "matter exists". That could be a premise for an argument.
brngreenback : Or, something like Parkinsons?
This serves as a certain explanation: he's not intellectually qualified to talk to us. |
horselessryder : gremlin i cant even imagine how an atheist thinks ... i cant even begin to understand what its like for you to put on you pants ... one leg at a time....
gremlin_net : fear_n0_evil: there are no deities; brainlessryder just helped me remove them all from the spacetime continuum. It's cool.
radardog : Of course someone could deny that matter exists.
lissianthus : ok, am gonna go fiddle awhile, nite nite
fear_n0_evil : God uses the evil created by man to create a greater good..................
stevenb337 : next it will be fetuses
the_ambassador_in_bonds : 'Nite lissianthus.
tool28eulogy : my sister found a dead sqirrel under her bed once from her cat
stevenb337 : the stem cells can help your python grow new arms
hierodule_of_fastillion : Lissi is off to masturbate.
hierodule_of_fastillion : Take me with you :((
travis_dye2003 : fear no evil youre christian you told me to go fuck myslef earlier today
tony_met2002 : omniscience is without limit to knowledge,if that is so,then omnipotence would be equal
horselessryder : ahhh masturbation....
fluke_is_tired : empty can you see my im?
radardog : stevenb- Here is a good mathematical site on infinity in its different concepts
horselessryder : hmmmm
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I think just the way any other deicidal maniac thinks.
elijah5791 : Ahh...radardog, you continue to fascinate me and give me reason to keep coming back.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:41:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
horselessryder : to be a slave to ones desires ....
tony_met2002 : Mark do you agree?
stevenb337 : omniscience != omnipotence
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that omnipotence, as defined in the context of the Christian god is, in fact, limited.
flavius_claudius_julianus : agree with what tony
stevenb337 : how is that Rick?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : At least, according to Aquinas, who is something of a benchmark.
stevenb337 : well...
brngreenback : doesn't see how a masturbator is any more a slave to his desires than a urinator
horselessryder : gremlin its cool, just be happy ok
stevenb337 : limited by free will?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : He 1) Can't act against his divine nature 2) Cannot change his decress in the case of natural law and 3) Cannot preform the intrinsically impossible.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:42:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
There's something really weird about watching someone build up a denial that he just got caught lying his ass off.... |
horselessryder : and maybe give alittle ... you know do alittle dance , give the kids a chance...
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Thus writes Aquinas.
fear_n0_evil : Man cannot even contemplate pure good........
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: you be happy; nothing's changed for me; I always suspected that deities were fictional; now, according to you, I've made it true.
stevenb337 : Aquinas was fat... what did he know?
tireless_2003 : Ockham
the_ambassador_in_bonds : So God can't sin, can't make gravity suck you up, and can't make a square circle.
stevenb337 : Big Ox, he was
tony_met2002 : MARK,omniscience is without limit to knowledge,if that is so,then omnipotence would be equal
travis_dye2003 : yesterday in this room i was the center of attention now nobody will acknowdlege my exstience
emptier_mbs : wow, i am back
emptier_mbs : wooohooo
salient2 : billy
stevenb337 : but those are Aquinas' theories
dragono00 : the idea of a god is a crutch
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : billy?
horselessryder : gremlin i proove your points you proove mine... we are 2 people who have convictions
stevenb337 : what if aquinas was wrong?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : stevenb337: Again, Aquinas is something of a benchmark.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: either A) deities were real, and now they're fictional through the power of prayer, or B) they were fictional all along. Either way: they don't exist in reality.
stevenb337 : cats and dogs, living together!
salient2 : prep small joke
brngreenback : horselessryder, would praying for a cure for MS or Parkinsons work?
This is starting to sound that that old wiccan hoax. Where they can make anything happen, just so long as there are no witnesses. Prayer works, provided that it defies all attempts to, you know, verify that it fucking works. |
horselessryder : just 2 people in the world... 2 people in the world
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:43:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
tool28eulogy : God does sin though....he's a jealous god
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : okey:)
fear_n0_evil : God not create a God
somersetcase1 : horseless, you know exactly what that's like because you do the same thing. You are also a slave to your desires. It's just that you desire something different. You desire there to be an all loving God, who will shower you with grace for admitting you are nopt perfect. That is your desire. You interpret the bible, by adding to it, in order to make it fit that desire.
stevenb337 : Aquinas was a fatass :-)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : stevenb337: Then he was wrong. That's how omnipotence is generally defined in the context of the Christian god--at least by anyone who knows what they're talking about.
stevenb337 : Thanks for the enlightenment Rick
radardog : stevenb- Basically division by zero is undefined on the real numbers, please see: If you want a source.
This is almost sad. If the little twit could just realise that the same logic applies to christians, he'd have it all worked out. |
horselessryder : gremlin... you are just taking into account if they are real to you... not if they are actually real...
horselessryder : sorry just had to say that....
somersetcase1 : jorseless, basicaly, you are that which you accuse, and not intillectualy honest enough to admit it.
fear_n0_evil : Aristotle defined the law of non-contradition , God if he exist was the author of it.
travis_dye2003 : (sighs) im leavin
stevenb337 : So are you saying a christian can't define god in any other way?
horselessryder : somerset do you masterbate?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:44:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
fluke_is_tired : hi baby
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I gave these deities until the end of time to manage to remove all deities from all times. Unless that's beyond their powers of omnipotence, it worked instantly, from our perspective.
elijah5791 : radardog...are you a math major?
tool28eulogy : everyone masturbates
dragono00 : lol
horselessryder : sorry i guess thats a pretty "normal" thing these days
the_ambassador_in_bonds : stevenb337: They're more than welcome to. I stated that it was 1) According to Aquinas, and 2) that Aquinas was something of a benchmark. Catholics definitely universally endorse Aquinas' god.
tool28eulogy : its fun
horselessryder : so i guess its not a personal question
the_ambassador_in_bonds : It's easily the best approach. Omnipotence really can't be reconciled any other way.
brngreenback : horselessryder, would praying for a cure for MS or Parkinsons work?
somersetcase1 : horseless, haven't in a long time. why? What does that have to do with anything?
tool28eulogy : and I dont feel obligated to cuddle afterward
horselessryder : hey gremlin its all relative;)
Sometimes, you have to explain to them what they just learned.... |
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: if they're real at all, and omnipotent enough to carry the wish out, and omniscient enough to know the wish, then they're no longer real anywhere at any time. You said so yourself.
stevenb337 : So, what was the benchmark more than 800 years ago?
radardog : elijah- :) Yes. I'm majoring in both Math and Computer Science. (Which means I'm more of a geek than anything else lol)
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:45:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_ambassador_in_bonds : stevenb337: I just told you what it was.
elijah5791 :
stevenb337 : what?
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : man i'm getting that siegfreid and roy video
the_ambassador_in_bonds : stevenb337: It was Aquinas' understanding of Christian theology.
somersetcase1 : horseless, point?
horselessryder : well somer you shouldnt just assume everyone is a slave to their animal desires
tool28eulogy : ppppprrreeeeppppp!
...and then wait for them to notice that you've explained it.... |
horselessryder : though that is popular these days
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : it has the tigers and everything
stevenb337 : Aquinas was 1200 or so... what was the benchmark in 1100?
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : tooooolllll!
stevenb337 : or 500 AD>
horselessryder : morality is never determined by popularity
horselessryder : ...
stevenb337 : or 47 AD
fear_n0_evil : The whole point is orthodox good , calvinism bad .........
somersetcase1 : horseless, I can see by your statements, what you desire, and how badly you desire it. Are you denying it?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : 500 would be Augustine.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:46:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
fear_n0_evil : Heard it before
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: if I didn't know you were too afraid of being ignored for blatant fucking fraud, I'd almost suspect that you were trying to go back on your ironclad method of getting a prayer answered by the end of time.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : 47 would be (tentatively) Paul's first letter.
tireless_2003 : emptier, who is speaking?
horselessryder : i desire to do the Will of God... i hope thats what you say
colorofjanuary : *LOL* somerset
brngreenback : tannar, horseless and grem were discussing prayer; I'd redirect the question to them, as I'd rather not misrepresent them as far as their claims.
...and wait some more.... |
horselessryder : saw*
the_ambassador_in_bonds : can't think of 11000 offhand.
elijah5791 : Radardog...I haven't yet been to college and feel outta my league in here sometimes.
colorofjanuary : word, baron.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : 1100^
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : is away (Away)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Though you said "800 years ago", which would be Aquinas.
fear_n0_evil : Something about a fart I am sure
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: so you must, notwithstanding confession of fraud, concede that deities are mythical, whether that's my fault or not. Right?
...and finally invent an immaterial reason why it shouldn't count. |
horselessryder : gremlin i should ignore you for useing the word "dick" in an intellegent discussion ok
somersetcase1 : horseless, you desire to do what you desire the will of God to be.
brngreenback : no worries
horselessryder : somerset thats not true
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:47:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
somersetcase1 : You make the will of God what you want.
platonis_sallustius : who is speaking that I cannot hear
stevenb337 : Sorry, Rick, I meant "more than 800 years ago"
fluke_is_tired : baby can you see me?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Ah, I see.
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: answer the question. Are you conceding that deities are mythical, or are you confession that you're a fraud?
horselessryder : its in the bible somerset....
horselessryder : hehehe
gremlin_net : confessing*
emptier_mbs : yeah
emptier_mbs : you cannot see me
radardog : elijah- Mmm. Don't. College doesn't necessarily mean smarter or brighter.
horselessryder : read the bible....
tony_met2002 : emptier is speaking
emptier_mbs : it made perfect sense
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: I've read it. Answer the question.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : gets such a kick out of people who threaten to ignore.
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : another year another missed chance to run with the bulls of pamplona
emptier_mbs : you are just running circles, and equating
fluke_is_tired : ok i love you
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Eeek! Don't ignore me, please, I'll agree with you!
the_ambassador_in_bonds : laughs.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:48:34 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
stevenb337 : I'm gonna iggy you rick...
Perhaps he ignored me after all. What other reason could he have for forgetting that he's been caught lying again? |
horselessryder : somer you are the one who makes up "wills" for you follow only yourself
stevenb337 : Just wanted you to get a kick
gremlin_net : the_ambassador_in_bonds: the threat is only as good as the fear of being ignored
the_ambassador_in_bonds : laughs.
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : ha!
stevenb337 : lol
the_ambassador_in_bonds : lol gremlin_net.
elijah5791 : radardog...I know that, but it definately gives you credentials which must be respected, right?
fear_n0_evil : omnipotent1 often capitalized : ALMIGHTY 1
2 : having virtually unlimited authority or influence
3 obsolete : ARRANT
colorofjanuary : tannar_darr: no shit.
smoka_blunt666 : whats up everybody????
somersetcase1 : I also agree with you that morality is not decided by society. It is decided within ones self, via many influences and personal decisions.
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : i used to live in california 3 months of every year
the_ambassador_in_bonds : You can only imagine how many nights I stay up worrying about getting ignored :|
zedechiah_the_messiah : any more cute remarks from Cal and im going to ignore him
the_ambassador_in_bonds : I cry myself to sleep some days.
cdscharger_01 : anyone believe in God
stevenb337 : hehe
stevenb337 : So Rick...
emptier_mbs : Okay, so what is going on in text?
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : tannar in mountain view
elijah5791 : Chas...yes
gremlin_net : Ignoring someone doesn't hurt me at all. Ignoring someone who lives for no reason beyond getting my attention devastates them.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : knows that Zed only speaks like that because his heart is filled with SATAN!
emptier_mbs : There will be nothing in voice for quite a while.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:49:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hierodule_of_fastillion : I do. I believe God is divine and holy.
gremlin_net : Be right back.
stevenb337 : What do you think about interreligious marriages?
hierodule_of_fastillion : Rmug :)
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : near stanford
zedechiah_the_messiah : goddamn liar
itsmeuser : scary, I walk in and someone already wants to iggie me
hierodule_of_fastillion : Prep :X
the_ambassador_in_bonds : U R 2 satinst 4 me n e way
hierodule_of_fastillion : prays for Zed.
stevenb337 : Like, say, christian and hindu?
Whether he's ignored me or not, he's still willing to threaten to use his deity's name in vain at me.... |
horselessryder : ok somerset you go on thinking that... for that is too big of a topic to debate at this time of night. ill pray for you .. (and you gremlin)
zedechiah_the_messiah : u no u r tha 1
tool28eulogy : afk
emptier_mbs : enable voice
horselessryder : i know "its a waste of time"
horselessryder : but
colorofjanuary : haha bonds.
horselessryder : hey it makes me happy:D
the_ambassador_in_bonds : stevenb337: I think it's a personal decision. If both parties are cool with it, I don't see a problem.
jack_flack19 : horseless ryder are you that much of a fool
fluke_is_tired : me?
jack_flack19 : ?
somersetcase1 : horseless, actually, I think it's an important topic.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:50:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
brngreenback : chuckles
smoka_blunt666 : 666
jack_flack19 : who do you pray to?
emptier_mbs : no, the tooth fairy
horselessryder : and life is about being happy for both atheists and theists alike no?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : watches spirits like frogs come out of Zed's mouth :|
the_ambassador_in_bonds : cowers.
hierodule_of_fastillion : God is the alpha and omega, the gamma and epsilon :X
fluke_is_tired : ok
stevenb337 : how do those two people reconcile their belief systems? especially when it comes to raising children?
emptier_mbs : enable voice
jack_flack19 : is it?
fluke_is_tired : sorry i am sort of busy
fluke_is_tired : but ok
salient2 : stevenb337: I have been married to a christian for 11 years so for some people it works well.
jack_flack19 : i don't think so
Didn't brainlessryder just lie about leaving, or something? |
horselessryder : tannar darr you are my new friend hahahhah
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : i bet zed gets that siegfried and roy video
zedechiah_the_messiah : is a fount of living water
bleedingelite : Y .
stevenb337 : And you are, salient?
hierodule_of_fastillion : And I will pray for you all.
somersetcase1 : horseless, you can reduce it that way if you like. Go ahead put words in peoples mouths. You put words in Gods mouth afterall, why not? *shrug*
cdscharger_01 : you dont go by religion when it comes to go by what the Bible says
salient2 : I am an atheist
jack_flack19 : prayer to what?
dragono00 : all religions with a god as a cornerstone have more in common with eachother than they would like to think, we must embrace our individual convictions if the human race is to continue
zedechiah_the_messiah : the gay porno one? yeah. i got that
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: answer the question. Now.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zed = follows the path of unrighteousness :\
radardog : elijah- I wouldn't much respect someone unless they seem they should be respected -- college time or not.
zedechiah_the_messiah : did you want it?
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : hahahaha
stevenb337 : okay
the_ambassador_in_bonds : heard Zed guffaw :|
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : no i have vols. 1-7
zedechiah_the_messiah : oh
dragono00 : labels are what fuck us all
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:51:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
elijah5791 : salient...that is a shock, but very cool. You guys argue much?
stevenb337 : and your children, salient?
itsmeuser : it's unlimited nature is
jack_flack19 : to the ceiling or just thup to the back of your eyelids this time
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : wendy:X
horselessryder : ok somerset what do you want to talk about... ask me something that will trip me up
hierodule_of_fastillion : Pray to God, of course. To save all of your souls from Hell and Damnation.
horselessryder : catch me in a lie
stevenb337 : just tell me to stop asking if I get too personal.
cdscharger_01 : the whole world is proof that god exists
itsmeuser : if g-d exists, why doesn't he talk?
horselessryder : :)
emptier_mbs : hello wendy
radardog : is an agnostic/atheist in a serious relationship with a catholic. It's fun. :)
the_ambassador_in_bonds : sends Zed away from the table of the many :|
bleedingelite : Y itsmeuser, if you exist why don't you stop talking
stevenb337 : if god doesn't exist, why are you afriad to say god's name?
dragono00 : how does the existence of a world prove the existence of a god?
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: if you're still contending that you're not a liar, you must, by default, concede that deities are mythical.
jack_flack19 : no shit
jack_flack19 : it doesn't
zedechiah_the_messiah : is the one issuing the blessings
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Nuh uh.
itsmeuser : well, if there is a loving god, why would you fear "him"
zedechiah_the_messiah : gives Cal the finger
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:52:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
You can cut the denial with a knife.... |
horselessryder : gremlin this and gremlin that...
the_ambassador_in_bonds : You're too busy walking in the stubborness of your heart to issue any blessings :|
radardog : Zed, you haven't blessed me since you beat me to a bloody pulp with a 2x4. :(
the_ambassador_in_bonds : damns Zed.
itsmeuser : marissa
somersetcase1 : horseless, The only lies you are telling is to yourself. You lie and tell yourself that you have perfectly interpreted the will of God. It IS a lie, but not to me, to yourself, which is far worse.
salient2 : elijah -- no because she isn't fundamental about it. She has two children from a previous marriage, they are atheist.
cdscharger_01 : that isn't the kind of "fear" that he is referring tp
smoka_blunt666 : dxrhtsfgbsfdbdsjetjhjmhgj,uyuy,yuk,yesrweu
cdscharger_01 : to
brngreenback : Alright. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone. But, tannar, the argument was basically over the difference between a wish and a prayer, and horseless defined a prayer as a wish that was part of god's plan.
zedechiah_the_messiah : = Blessed One
dragono00 : exactly
cdscharger_01 : it is more of a respect and love
itsmeuser : well, if god knows all things, then how can he forget your sins?
cdscharger_01 : reverance
brngreenback : It went on from there, when Grem gave an example prayer.
dragono00 : right on smoka blunt
bleedingelite : Y itsmeuser, you're kinda slow huh
zedechiah_the_messiah : i think Jesus wants me to go to bed
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:53:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
While we're waiting on brainlessryder to work out which way he'd prefer to be eternally fucked, feel free to listen to this week's episode of Radio Free Duhmerica.... |
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: you have three options. Concede that deities are mythical, by your own rules. Confess that you lied about the rules and be ignored for fraud. Or evade the issue and be ignored for trolling. You have one minute to decide.
jack_flack19 : fuck jesus
itsmeuser : jesus...lowsy gardener
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : jesus wants you to download fetish porn
zedechiah_the_messiah : i did that earlier
fear_n0_evil : Yes
jack_flack19 : jesus does not exist
cdscharger_01 : he doesnt forget your sins...he forgives your sins
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : a sign!
He must have ignored me; no one is so dumb that he'd forget all this if he could still see me reminding him about it.... |
horselessryder : well somerset i know the Will of God as much as the bible reveals.... i follow the bible... you dont... i say its the will of God.. you dont.... soo... i dont KNOW KNOW EVERYTHING ok ... are we clear?
jack_flack19 : he was a mythical charachter
somersetcase1 : tannar, that's because you never say things like that. :-)
zedechiah_the_messiah : verily
the_ambassador_in_bonds : laughs at zed_ha_mamzer.
itsmeuser : jesus exists, and his last name is rodriquez
dragono00 : lol
smoka_blunt666 : i think jesus wants me to smoke a blunt
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that his cat is far too affectionate. . .
bleedingelite : Y instead of just trying to get one of you at a time to stop believing what you believe, I'm just going to get you all at once
zedechiah_the_messiah : ok. the Holy Spirit confirms it
the_ambassador_in_bonds : It's killed :|
itsmeuser : jesus mows my lawn twice a month
brngreenback : no worries
bleedingelite : Y you're all wrong
bleedingelite : Y all of you
bleedingelite : Y stop believing in your lies
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: time's up. Any thoughts?
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:54:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
dragono00 : who the hell are you bleedinglite to deem anyone wrong
fear_n0_evil : I do not deserve heaven as it is............I fall under the authority of God
elijah5791 : Dragon...1)Everything that exists had a cause 2)The universe exists 3)Therefore, the universe must have had a cause (outside of itself)
bleedingelite : Y if you don't believe that there is a god
bleedingelite : Y you're wrong
bleedingelite : Y if you worship god
bleedingelite : Y you're wrong
bleedingelite : Y there
dragono00 : with your star, selfrighteous
bleedingelite : Y now everybody can go home feeling happy
colorofjanuary : every time i see william_of_baskerville_66, it catches my eye because i think it says 'bakersfield'.
I stand corrected: at least one guy is that dumb.... |
horselessryder : hey gremlin i love God therez a thought
fear_n0_evil : As far as
smoka_blunt666 : well bleeding what the fuck is rite?
salient2 : she does not try to push her beliefs on me, and I wouldn't try to push my beliefs on her, really I have no reason to push my beliefs on anybody.
william_of_baskerville_66 : hi all
somersetcase1 : horseless, if you are willing to admit that, then why is it when I quote you a verse, you automaticaly, without checking the context, without knowing where the verse is from, ASSUME I'm presenting it out of context? The answer, of course, is because it didn't fit with your personal theology, so you assume it MUST be wrong.
colorofjanuary : sprayed too much febreeze.
bleedingelite : Y I dunno
gremlin_net : brainlessryder: then you concede that you lied?
itsmeuser : do realize that the biblical prophet's name was not, "elijah"?
smoka_blunt666 : damn straight!
smoka_blunt666 : lol
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that Febreeze makes him sneeze.
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:55:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
william_of_baskerville_66 : nah...its from that old sean connery movie colorofjanuary
dragono00 : from a religion with so much persecution in its past, your quick to turn your head to others
the_ambassador_in_bonds : notes that the Biblical prophet's name was, in fact, Elijah.
dragono00 : not even to listen
bleedingelite : Y I'm just a person with limited knowledge based on limited capabilities, how the fuck am I supposed to tell you if there's agod or not
elijah5791 : Okay...itmeuser, and...
smoka_blunt666 : notes that febreeze smells like shit
itsmeuser : no "j" sounds in Hebrew
fear_n0_evil : Everything falls to the Authority of Jesus
dragono00 : what a hypocrite
the_ambassador_in_bonds : itsmeuser: that's rather semantic.
dragono00 : choose a standpoint
colorofjanuary : william_of_baskerville_66: hehe i'm sure it's from something, it just keeps making me glance back.
preparation_h_medicated_asswipe : zomb:X
stevenb337 : only if you use too much smoke
the_ambassador_in_bonds : And entirely moot. We aren't speaking Hebrew.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Zombie!!:X
fear_n0_evil : Scripture , salvation everything
smoka_blunt666 : 666
william_of_baskerville_66 : 'name of the rose' starring sean connery
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:56:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
bleedingelite : Y the fact that you people actually think you know something concerning the existence of a divine reality makes me kinda upsert
dragono00 : febreeze rocks it gets the cigarrette smell out of my bedsheets
And it's back to denial.... |
horselessryder : somerset you said "it says it right there that God will answer any prayer just ask and you shall recieve no if ands or buts" and i say to you that yes that is true but you have to take into account the rest of Christs message
william_of_baskerville_66 : i hear you fine tireless
horselessryder : ok?
radardog : Elijah- Ooh, good example: Oddly enough cause and effect has never been actually proven. It's generally accepted, and can be denied. It could also be said that we only know of things that exist that have a cause. That doesn't necessarily imply that everything else must have a cause for the same reasons.
hunter_the_crazychick : is back
hunter_the_crazychick : wonders if she can see Zombie.
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : is back
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : HUNTER!~
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : kfjsdkl;fjdsl;kfasd
the_ambassador_in_bonds : wonders if Zombie can see him :|
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie.
stevenb337 : nobody can know bleeding...
cdscharger_01 : what are you sopossed to believe then bleeding?
horselessryder : im not quoting you directly somerset dont flip on me
bleedingelite : Y don't worry about it
evilapparatus_wiccan_kitten : woo hoo text 1st time
gremlin_net : brainlessryder concedes by default that he's a troll.
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : Hunter, >O.o<
stevenb337 : lol
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : cackles.
bleedingelite : Y if there's a god, great, if not, that's great too
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:57:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
cdscharger_01 : then why did you say taht
bleedingelite : Y worry about more immediate things like car insurance
fear_n0_evil : God cannot create a god
gremlin_net : brainlessryder is hereby sentenced to 999,999 days in the killfile for criminal trolling.
the_ambassador_in_bonds : wonders what the hell a "yiffy" is.
dragono00 : dude, stop putting that star at the front of your sentances then
Oh goody: a particularly feckless booter.... |
smoka_blunt666 : r t l i u h l r d t l k j n s l i f u b h s f i l u d f h g s d f i u g h b s l d i u r g o i u h e i r u h g l i e r h b e f i u v d f h v b s i u f d v g s d u v i d s b f v k j d s f v b s i u d f g k v g y i s r e u t g s d k n s d f b s f g 6 s d f 8 4 g 6 s d 8 f 4 v 6 s d 8 4 f 6 8 d 4 f 6 8 d s 4 7 f g 6 9 4 7 g 6 s 8 r t 7 g s w r e g u y d h g k u g h b s h g b s u v i y v g d i v u y e k g k u y t g d k u b d s k u y b d u f i y g e r k u y g b e s r j h b s e r u y s d g v d s f v k h b s e r u y e g f e r k j h d f b u s y d g e s k u y t h s g f b k s d r j g v MORONS!!!!!!
cdscharger_01 : why get treasures on earth
itsmeuser : if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it...
dragono00 : fuckin rediculous
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : the_ambassador_in_bonds, furry sex type.
gremlin_net : smoka_blunt666: don't do that again.
william_of_baskerville_66 : god IS the stone
itsmeuser : ...doesn't that prove that god isn't everywhere?
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Ah.
smoka_blunt666 : r t l i u h l r d t l k j n s l i f u b h s f i l u d f h g s d f i u g h b s l d i u r g o i u h e i r u h g l i e r h b e f i u v d f h v b s i u f d v g s d u v i d s b f v k j d s f v b s i u d f g k v g y i s r e u t g s d k n s d f b s f g 6 s d f 8 4 g 6 s d 8 f 4 v 6 s d 8 4 f 6 8 d 4 f 6 8 d s 4 7 f g 6 9 4 7 g 6 s 8 r t 7 g s w r e g u y d h g k u g h b s h g b s u v i y v g d i v u y e k g k u y t g d k u b d s k u y b d u f i y g e r k u y g b e s r j h b s e r u y s d g v d s f v k h b s e r u y e g f e r k j h d f b u s y d g e s k u y t h s g f b k s d r j g v MORONS!!!!!!
dragono00 : lol
the_ambassador_in_bonds : Well, that clarifies it.
dragono00 : rock on
fear_n0_evil : God is the Author of life.....this world........... God cannot lie.......
smoka_blunt666 : oops!
the_ambassador_in_bonds : remains puzzled.
smoka_blunt666 : oops!
androgynous_yiffy_stereotype : I dunno' what it actually means, no one does. Anyone who says otherwise is a LIAR.
brngreenback : spermatazoon....
gremlin_net : smoka_blunt666: you were warned. Here's your shirt:
cdscharger_01 : what is your car insurance gonna get ya?
smoka_blunt666 : r t l i u h l r d t l k j n s l i f u b h s f i l u d f h g s d f i u g h b s l d i u r g o i u h e i r u h g l i e r h b e f i u v d f h v b s i u f d v g s d u v i d s b f v k j d s f v b s i u d f g k v g y i s r e u t g s d k n s d f b s f g 6 s d f 8 4 g 6 s d 8 f 4 v 6 s d 8 4 f 6 8 d 4 f 6 8 d s 4 7 f g 6 9 4 7 g 6 s 8 r t 7 g s w r e g u y d h g k u g h b s h g b s u v i y v g d i v u y e k g k u y t g d k u b d s k u y b d u f i y g e r k u y g b e s r j h b s e r u y s d g v d s f v k h b s e r u y e g f e r k j h d f b u s y d g e s k u y t h s g f b k s d r j g v MORONS!!!!!!
bleedingelite : Y i mean, if you want to believe that there is a creator, than do so, if you want to apply rules to what he can and cannot do and what he likes and doesn't like, fine, but keep it to yourself
tony_met2002 : well I guess god can't create for it's self a penis that he can't lift?
evilapparatus_wiccan_kitten : what the hell is with smoka
LOG DATA Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:58:35 gremlin_net, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
I guess that's enough news for now.
More later....