The internet makes you stupid
Tuesday 18th August 2003
Granted, I'm not sure what sort of test this thing was supposed to be; I'm used to Wechsler, personally. But, given that, for the purpose of this test, genius begins at 161, I'm not real pleased about beating it by only eight points. Last I heard, I was a little smarter than that.
I've been using Windoze systems for about five years now. Less time than I've even been online since 1996. Still: I see the myriad issues with this procedure.
I've been busy again. Various things IRL; various things behind the scenes; I managed to get a cold or something; long story.
So. Let's catch up on current events here....
I took one of those webbased IQ tests. I don't know why I bother with these things. Best case, I learn that I'm a genius, and I'm therefore allowed to join some pseudoelitist club which allows anyone in the top two percent of people to hop in. Which begs the question: why would I join a club which actually lets in people with IQs down around 130 or so? If you're going to be elitist, at least be consistent. I'm not real impressed by anyone who blackballs ninety-eight percent of the planet, yet allows these pedestrian AboveAverage 'tards into their little reindeer games. If you're going to discriminate, at least have some fucking taste.
That said, I was kinda upset by this:
Okay. So I was sick. I had enough NyQuil in my system to kill Ted Kennedy. I could blame maybe ten points on that. That still puts me in the 180 range.
Otherwise, I can't think of any really good excuses. Except for the obvious: the internet makes you stupid.
Notwithstanding a three-year stint in the eighties, before I gave up on the exciting new 1200bps modems and left the 'net until it was fast enough to impress me, I've been online pretty well daily since the end of 1996. Roughly seven years. Unless my math is off. Which it might be, now that I'm devolving into an idiot.
By my calculations, I'm losing about three IQ points a year, just from being online. At this rate, I should be dead average by the end of 2029 or so. This is not good.
It's also not accurate. Because the mere act of being online probably isn't the actual problem. The problem is more likely that being online allows us to be infected by morons. And the rate of immigration for morons is geometric. I could be functionally retarded as early as 2010. Someting has got to be done.
I blame things like this. This is an actual EMail I got from ISP. A straight screenshot, unmodified, in its original, LuserFriendly state. The mere fact that someone thought that this EMail was appropriately written for the average client serves as evidence that the problem is accelerating like all hell.
No one with an IQ above room temperature could ever pull this concept out to fifteen steps. Ever. Hit ControlAltDelete, thump inside the list of processes, hit M until it highlights msblast.exe [if ever; in my case, I never even had the thing], and rightlick the highlight to get the End Process option; hit Escape; remember [if this counts as a step] which OS you're using, and keep it in mind when you hit to download the patch; download the patch as a running file; let it run; hit the link optionally to ensure that the thing is gone. Most of these steps are concurrent enough that you're actually only doing about three different things, in the end.
Or, in my case, one thing. I looked for msblast.exe, didn't find it, and let it go.
I have to wonder whether I'm spending a hundred bucks a month partly to get these brainless fucking EMails from If so, I want a partial refund.
Okay. Let's move on....
I ran into Reg--known more globally as InfidelGuy--the other day. And I mentioned that we were starting up RFD again. The end result is that RFD is returning to the Atheist Network. Soonish.
First, of course, we've got to record new shows. Since actually has a schedule, the shows have to fit exactly into sixty minutes; and, lately, we haven't been fitting into exactly sixty minutes. So that's the next step.
Meanwhile, here's the latest and last episode not fitting into sixty minutes:
The current plan is to have the show return weekly to the network in September. Presuming nothing goes wrong. Which it probably will, since my IQ is down to 169 and still dropping.
Maybe I should take the damned test again. Or get a second opinion. Or something. This is bugging me. A lot.
Oh well. Could be worse. At least I'm not theistic yet....
More later....