The End

Saturday 27th December 2003

There are still a few days left in the year, but let's be honest about this. I've got about as much chance of doing anything before 2004 as any given deity has. Which may require a quick explanation.
Not about my habit of taking a week off, really; about deities' habits of failing to exist.
As I scientist, I tend to avoid buying into the claims made by plebeians who can't spell the more vernacular words in chatrooms [the merch reading your an idiot i'm a genious is, in fact, a direct fucking quote from one of these illiterate morons] and instead operate independent studies to test these various assertions.
In this case, I've been testing for omnipotent, omniscient, agreeable deities. Any deities with the omniscience to know that this offer exists, the proclivities to do what it takes to make it happen, and the omnipotence to get away with it, have until the end of 2003 to post a simple message to the board, from the IP Address of, stating that they do, in fact, exist. So far, as you can see, no deities have accomplished that.
Because there's a future potential for any given homosapien to post to the board from a seven-digit IP, I'm adjusting this contest for 2004. Here are the new rules.
The first deity[s] with the omnipotent, omniscience, and interest required to give me US$1trillion gets my attention. It's that simple.
Now. The money isn't primarily the issue here. The only reason I ran with a trillion bucks is that it's a threshold. There are natural forces out there with the financial ability to give me a dollar, a thousand, a million, or even a billion. To my knowledge, no individual entity on this plane of existence has the wherewithal to donate a trillion dollars to me. An omnipotent deity, on the other hand, shouldn't have any real trouble getting this to happen.
An omniscient deity, meanwhile, would have known about this little contest within about a yoctosecond after I thought it up. So there will be no excuses for ignorance.
Whether any given deity would want to give me a trillion bucks, just to prove its existence to me, is anyone's guess. Fortunately, it's a requirement. If omnipotent, omniscient deities exist who aren't willing to give me a trillion bucks, then fuck'em. It's all about effort and interest. If I'm expected to expend a couple of kilocalories in bumping deities from Myth to Fact in my proverbial mental database, then they're similarly expected to pull a few superstrings and make this money exist at my disposal. Those are the rules. My rules. If a deity don't like my rules, then that's fine. It'll remain mythical. I don't really care either way.
Something else I should explain--logically for the benefit of the third party, since an omniscient deity should already be aware of this: in the event that any given deity does give me a trillion bucks, I'll accept that it exists. That's the deal. I will not, however, worship it. I'm not a fucking groupie. Deities who give me a trillion bucks get my attention, not my respect. The time to get me to like deities ended a long time ago.
Objectively, I'm willing to wait and see. Personally, I have no real hope of having this happen. To date, deities, in all their reported omnipotence, haven't even had the pedestrian abilities to outlaw abortions or keep their job descriptions in the pledge of allegience. Which begs the question, I suppose: can a deity make a set of commandments so big that a lower circuit judge can't lift them out of a courtroom. Evidently not.
Anyway: that's the new offer. The first deity to make me a trillionaire gets my attention. Although, to be fair about it, I'll grant my attention to each deity who can accomplish this paultry little feat. Simple because, logically, omnipotent entites could preempt each other after the fact by going back in time and getting me the money before any of the others had. For five trillion, I'll accept that five different deities exist. And so on. Whether any given deity wants to add a little note mentioning its own name is up to it.
Of course, a thousand deities could probably get together, each fronting a billion, and leaving their names out of it. In fact, a thousand billionaires could do that, here on Earth. To date, there aren't a thousand billionaires alive. So, this test will be valid until things change. Then I'll think of something else to do.
Okay. Let's get to the Spam of the Day here....

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#3361 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Who started Christmas?1

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children2.
After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything
else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children ask
for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made
it to the elevator with her two kids3.

She was feeling what so many of us feel during the holiday
season time of the year4: overwhelming pressure to go to5 every
party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats,
getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping
list, making sure we don't forget anyone on our card list,
and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us
a card6.

Finally the elevator doors opened and there was already a crowd
in the car7. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two
kids in with her and all the bags of stuff8. When the doors closed
she couldn't take it anymore and stated,

"Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found,
strung up and shot9."

From the back of the car everyone heard a quiet calm voice
respond, "Don't worry, we already crucified him10."

For the rest of the trip down the elevator; it was so quiet you
could have heard a pin drop11.

Don't forget this year to keep the One who started this whole
Christmas thing in your every thought, deed, purchase12, and word.

If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world
would be13.

~Author Unknown14~

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See you tomorrow16.

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1) Good question. Let's find out. And yes: there is a strange exhilaration in realising that, if Jeepers ever existed, his birthday was probably around 21st September, just like mine is >:)
2) Why in the living hell would someone go shopping with her children? Aren't giftmas presents supposed to be some sort of a surprise?
3) Apparently, she thought the lift would be on one of the shelves.
4) Suicidal?
5) Yup. The way this abused sentence is structured, there's an overwhelming pressure to go to every party, go to every housewarming, go to taste all the holiday food and treats, go to getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, go to making sure we don't forget anyone on our card list, and go to the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card. Somebody sucks.
6) People actually do that? And it takes less than a year?
7) I'm assuming that this is the elevator car, and not the minivan with the twatfish she lost in the carpark.
8) I think I've met this creature. That hideous freak of nature with a curb weight of four hundred pounds before it adds the mass of a fucking Volkswagen in sacks, soccerdribbling a couple of larvae into the lift whether its occupants like it or not. I hate those people. More than I hate most people.
9) No argument here....
10) That's an interesting and heartwarming thought. Although it's better suited for easter. I'll have to bear it in mind next April: happy day, the convicted terrorist is dead.
11) If, for the sake of argument, one had.
12) What Would Jesus Buy
13) Theocratic?
14) But wanted for fraud.
15) I never invited this; I'm still not sure how I got onto this list.
16) Oh good: a threat.
17) Not a chance in Niflheim.
18) And smaller words.
19) Which isn't my fault.

Let's move on....
For better or worse is broken. YahElite can't get in; CheetaChat can't get in; I can't even get into AvC through itself; I just default to some idiotic room full of people using only VoiceChat. VoiceChat, for those who haven't yet been harmed by this fucking thing, is essentially the same as any given CB channel, minus useful information like the claim that Smokey done got seen hidin' 'hind them signs near t'Exit Forty-two; which is precisely the sort of thing I do well living without.
Okay. That sucked. It's arguably funny though. I just went off to take a leak real quick and, in standing up, worked out that my head hurts more than I'd initially thought. So, conveniently enough for the geography, I ended up yarfing without any actual warning. Inconveniently enough, the lack of warning combined with the length of my hair combined some other things. So, now that I've taken a quick bath and got back here to the computer....
Where the hell was I....
Oh. The chatroom's broken. Which might not be the worst possible news. Without that, the only things preventing me from actually doing anything around here are games. I still spend several hours a day dicking around with Civ3, for example. Although Hunter's been watching each of her 198 MST3Ks lately; she patched her computer into the HDTV, which helps a bit. Ultimately, she burns the episodes to disc; but there's no real point to burning a couple hundred discs without first confirming that each episode is actually functional. It's a sort of obsession, I suppose. Apparently, she's in the lead, too. She's got every episode ever to air. Including a few which reportedly don't exist. Incidentally, having watched the No Fan Copy episodes, as designated by various MST3K sites [including], the world aren't actually missing much by having lost these things. They got off to a rocky start in Season Zero on KTMA in Minneapolis. And, if that's a pun, at least it's appropriate: the dickweeds with their pavlovian counterpoint dialogue for RHPS are actually a little better than Hodgson, et al, criticising Star Force: Fugitive Alien 2.
Anyway: provided that I can somehow forget to play Civ3 for a few hours, I've got a lot of the background stuff put together to get started on now. I haven't fully worked out the design for the site yet, aesthetically speaking; but I've got a good idea of what the basic format will be. I'll try to have it up and running, if not literally finished, sometime next month.
More later....

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